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  • 20.04.2024 12:42
    Mgr. Jana Gavlasová, advokát, Západní 449, 253 03 Chýně ...


  • 19.04.2024 18:09
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  • 18.04.2024 08:11
    Včera mi jeden pán v Praze, sledující mé zpravodajství ...


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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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  • Appendices to the human profile of President Edvard Beneš

    Benes Stalin Pravda viteziZaorane masove Hroby Geza Dunajzsky avers 2022In connection with the end of World War II in Europe in May 1945 and the massacres of the population of the liberated territories, let us remember the personality of the President of Czechoslovakia, Dr. Edvard Beneš, who actively participated in crimes against humanity. Let us not be surprised that the Communists supported the law: the President, Dr. Edvard Beneš, was responsible for the state - and its destruction.J.Š.


    The following interview with me was broadcast on Kossuth Rádió on 2 August 2020 on the Sunday programme Without Borders on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the publication of the Benes Decrees. The reporter was Mária Haják, radio correspondent in Bratislava.

    Mr. Géza Dunajszky, why did you become interested in the personality of the politician Edvard Beneš, or as many say Eduard Beneš, and what kind of person was he? What motivated you to do so?

    Géza D. - When in 2007 the Slovak Parliament confirmed the validity of the Beneš Decrees, I was shocked and it gave me the need to re-examine things. Since my early childhood, I have retained certain memories of situations that are incompatible with good morals and humanity in general. In addition, I have also witnessed crimes that clearly fall into the category of war crimes. At the same time, I was constantly confronted with the propaganda that Benes and his government, and subsequently the Czech and Slovak public, considered us Hungarians and Germans to be co-responsible for the dissolution of the First Czechoslovak Republic. This aroused my interest in seeking an explanation as to how someone could be - I cannot find a better word now - such a scoundrel as to deceive all the great powers, France, England and even the United States. The only one with whom he found great understanding from the beginning was the big Slavic brother, the Soviet Union, but I have the feeling from certain sources that even there they did not trust Benes very much.

  • Returning Home August 1945 – Part I

    RAF Manston 1945Whilst the war in Europe finished on 8 May 1945, it was only in August that the Czechoslovak RAF airmen were permitted to return to their homeland.

    The three months delay was due to a combination of factors. Primarily the Russians using delaying tactics who were intent on ensuring that the key infrastructure of liberated Czechoslovakia was under their control. This was compounded further with politics between the American’s and British who sought not to antagonise their Russian WW2 ally, while Zdeněk Fierlinger, the left-wing new Czechosloslovak Prime Minister was intent on support for his country’s Russian liberators.



  • Slovakia's presidential election showed the immaturity of the majority of voters

    An immature society is easy to manipulate. It is enough to induce fear, to promise the impossible, to appeal to instincts and emotions, and common sense has no chance.

    Democracy is once again defeating itself. The mafia state can continue to "develop". Ján Kuciak would have the same theme today... Will there be new Kuciaks to reawaken the lawfully collapsing society? They are unwittingly serving power, against their own interests and the future of the country. Populist politicians can never permanently secure it. The legacy of totalitarianism has reasserted itself.

    It all starts with quality upbringing, education and personal example in one's surroundings. What has been liquidated over generations cannot be undone in one. Without a free and responsible citizenry, there is no real freedom and democracy, and therefore no lasting prosperity. It is not about plebeian give and take, but above all about giving and the personal responsibility of everyone. Without the preservation of moral and ethical principles and values, every country ends, sooner or later. The big ones can always replace the lost elite, the small ones may not and will eventually disappear in history. The laws of nature are inexorable and just. Orba and Putin will surely hurry to congratulate... JŠ

    Full article in Czech>


  • The first battle of World War II, still unknown to the majority of the population in Czech Republic - the forgotten heroes of our country

    Pavlik KarelThe Battle of Czajanka Barracks was an armed clash between Czechoslovak and German soldiers. It took place on 14 March 1939 in Frýdek-Místek. It was the only known significant battle between Czechoslovak soldiers and the German army during the occupation of the rest of Bohemia and Moravia and Silesia in March 1939. More details from the video below:

    Czechoslovakia had 15 divisions, 250,000 men and 170,000 men in reserve. The country lost 16,000 square miles of territory and most of its heavy industry. Gen. Jan Syrový said, "We had a choice between murder and suicide"(He did not mention the choice of combat, preferring to let the country be destroyed without a fight and to liquidate the best people. JS). The only garrison to resist was in Frýdek-Místek. The defence of the barracks was taken over by the commander of the machine-gun company, Capt. Karel Pavlík In his company fought also ethnic Czechs, Jews, Ukrainians and Moravians. This particular garrison fought against the German invasion until they were ordered to stop by the Czech command. .

    The company responded to the call to surrender by firing. They were surrounded, fired on from all sides. It took 50 mm cannon and 37 mm armour-piercing weapons to break the resistance. Kpt. Pavlik changed tactics and was very active in the defense. The German fire had little effect.

    After 40 minutes of fighting, the battle, on direct order of the General Staff, was immediately stopped. The soldiers were captured. They suffered 6 wounds, including two serious ones. The Germans lost 12 to 24 soldiers, wounded or shot. What would have happened if all the soldiers from the barracks had fought?

    Capt. Pavlik continued to fight against the invaders in the resistance. In 1942 he was betrayed to the Gestapo, captured, tortured and ended up in Mauthausen. On January 26, 1943, after refusing an offer to serve in the SS, he was shot on the spot.

    After the fall of communism, was captain Pavlik promoted to colonel and awarded a special commemorative medal for his heroism and patriotism. It was the first battle of World War II on March 14, 1939.

    The point I found interesting is that this one particular garrison fought the German invasion until ordered by the Czech command to stop (Commander-in-Chief Dr. Edvard Benes flew to England in time - "I have a plan, an aeroplane", it was then said among the people), as in 1968 during the occupation by the Soviet army…

    J.Š. 22.1.2022

  • This day 100 years ago: The Expansion of Baťa's empire into the Netherlands - Baťa's legacy

    Bata Dorf NL UCT 8.9.2021As of this summer, exactly one hundred years have passed since the Czechoslovak businessman Tomáš Baťa expanded into the Netherlands. The ČT Events (September 8, 2021) brought a great report, although it was the third from the end of 34 reports. Just to clarify, the photo in the report does not show the father of Tomas Bata's son Tomík, but Jan Antonín Baťa, who took over the company and brought it to prosperity. He saved thousands of Jews during the war, yet they are still silent about this. The son of the founder, his uncle (his father's half-brother), was fraudulently deprived of the company after the war. Once the seventh largest enterprise in the world and the largest company in Czechoslovakia, it gradually began to decline and lost its importance under the leadership of Tomík.

    The Czech Republic has not yet dealt with the descendants of the rightful owner of the company, Baťa, Jan Antonín Bata. They did not receive compensation for the illegally confiscated property of this successful businessman and a great patriot.