Jan Šinágl angažovaný občan, nezávislý publicista


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  • 24.04.2024 10:01
    Odsouzený kriminálník Maxim Ponomarenko opět podniká v ...


  • 24.04.2024 09:00
    Dobrý den vážený pane Šinágle, obracím se na Vás, protože ...


  • 24.04.2024 07:47
    Předpokládám, že paní Gavlasové a jejím klientům bylo zveřejněním ...


  • 20.04.2024 12:42
    Mgr. Jana Gavlasová, advokát, Západní 449, 253 03 Chýně ...


  • 19.04.2024 18:09
    Ve Zlínském kraji dnes chybí 3000 míst pro přestárlé lidi.


  • 19.04.2024 16:56
    Spione und Saboteure – Wladimir Putin zeigt, dass er in seinem ...


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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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"If there were still any journalists in the mainstream media, this information would be on prime time on all TV and radio stations and on the front page of all newspapers. Thank you to the platforms that support freedom of speech. This is an experiment that will no doubt kill and harm. We have always known that experimenting on humans, without their full consent and understanding, after disclosing all the risks and potential side effects, is a crime. Now there is evidence that we must end this experiment. If the vaccination experiment continues after today, we know with absolute certainty that this is not a medical treatment, but a population reduction. Please share this video immediately with everyone you know. Thank you."

Dr. Vernon Coleman


November 24, 2021

Original video published: 22 November 2021 - Study referred to by Dr. Coleman, published: 8 November 2021

In a nutshell...

In this video, Dr. Vernon Coleman talks about a recent study that proves covid vaccinations cause inflammation and other problems in the body. He calls for an immediate halt to the covid vaccine.


It's November 22, 2021, and this is when vaccinations must stop. Daron Smith, editor of the Light Paper, sent me a study from the medical journal Circulation a few hours ago showing that the covid-19 vaccine experiment must stop today. I am convinced that any doctor or nurse who administers one of the covid mRNA injections after today will be fired from their positions and arrested in due course.

Chlibek RomanBrno Regional Court upheld an Kč 80,000 fine and two-year professional ban for road-traffic expert Petr Vlk for falsely blaming a traffic accident on the victim, and not the offender.

"If the expert witnesses lie to us," said lead judge Miroslav Dlouhý, "they can torpedo the entire proceedings." Keep this in mind as you read an oft-quoted tweet from Dr. Col. Roman Chlíbek, head of the Czech Vaccination Society. It says that the "incidence of covid-19 in the unvaccinated is 284/100,000, but among the vaccinated with two doses 54/100,000, and in the three-dose group only 7/100,000. Clear proof that vaccination works."

Martin S1 skodlivy protein 2021GB umrtnost 10 59 let 31.10.2021Albert Einstein: "The problems that exist in the world cannot be solved by the level of thought that invented them."

Albert Einstein 1949: "I don't know what will be used to fight World War III, but in World War IV it will be sticks and stones." 


Dr. Martin: "If you question anything, including patents granted on biological weapons, you are entering territory where there is no forgiveness."


Dr. Fuellmich: "We have had several inquiries with Trasparency International. We were silenced, the topic was not followed up".

Dr. Martin: "Yes you can't, it's not available and it's a tragedy. Unfortunately, it has become an organization that has grabbed the regulator and is not doing a service to the public."


This Occam's Razor argument is perfect in every way. I wonder how many pharmaceutical industry bosses got inoculated with their own covid vaccine. The flu vaccine has served as a much bigger "deal "for these modern day "white glove criminals". They will never have enough

You can watch and listen to Dr. Martin's argument at this link. For your own sake and the sake of your children, take the time to listen to this video. The more action, the more the virus spreads - media, statistical, not factual! We need to fill the squares in the name of common sense. The minority of the able must reach out to the majority of the ignorant. Spread by all means possible: FB, TW, person to person, it's about saving the world from criminals, fearing nothing, who are affecting and destroying our health and the lives of today's and future generations. Excerpts from the interview below.

CAP logoCAP kontaktWelcome to the Czech Republic, which violates the UN Charter on Economic, Cultural and Social Rights, its own Constitution and laws.


I don't know whether you have any experience with the Czech Association of the Compulsory (abbreviation ČAP), chaired by one Denisa Rohanová. The whole association completely ignores the fundamental aspects, the essence of organised crime, of the judicial and enforcement mafia and concentrates on cosmetic adjustments such as territoriality. We can say to ourselves that maybe they don't understand, but how can we explain that they don't react even when someone else, far from just me personally, gives them irrefutable facts. It reminds me of the situation with the OKD (Ostrava-Karviná Mines) flats, where the chairman of the OKD Tenants and Owners Association denied it to me and then did not even accept registered mail to the association because he already knew that I had evidence (the consolidated accounts of OKD before the sale) that incriminated all the actors in the case. I can prove that the 43,000 flats do not belong to Bakala or the companies around him. Why does the President not protect the tenants and owners of OKD flats? He has been corrupted. It is the same with Rohan and the entire ČAP association. Again, they are denying, running away and making dead bugs. In addition, the chairwoman Rohanová is a great friend of the scoundrel Jan Hamáček, under whom worse things happened in the Interior Ministry than under the "young curly" (*) Gross (ČSSD) and the "E" (*) Langer (ODS) together.