Jan Šinágl angažovaný občan, nezávislý publicista


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  • 20.04.2024 12:42
    Mgr. Jana Gavlasová, advokát, Západní 449, 253 03 Chýně ...


  • 19.04.2024 18:09
    Ve Zlínském kraji dnes chybí 3000 míst pro přestárlé lidi.


  • 19.04.2024 16:56
    Spione und Saboteure – Wladimir Putin zeigt, dass er in seinem ...


  • 18.04.2024 14:44
    Ministerstvo zahraničí daruje Ukrajině pět aut. Jedno pancéřované ...


  • 18.04.2024 10:42
    Soukromý vlastník zcizil veškerý svůj majetek. Justice je bez ...


  • 18.04.2024 08:11
    Včera mi jeden pán v Praze, sledující mé zpravodajství ...


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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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English articles

Masopust 1Masopust 2

Photos from Winter Wonderland Prague - Letňany. JŠ


The slow departure of winter and the onset of warmer spring days heralds the traditional Mardi Gras revelry bidding farewell to the cold with exuberant merriment. The so-called Fashank is celebrated between the Lenten season of Christmas and Easter and this year falls between 7 January (after Three Kings) and 13 February. But carnival fun varies from place to place, in some places lasting just one day, in others for weeks. Organisers also often coordinate so that spectators can see multiple parades in one year and enjoy the fun. It is also an opportunity to visit neighbours near and far and learn about their culture.

Masopust 3Masopust 4The Old Bohemian Carnival in Hlinsko was inscribed on the UNESCO Intangible Heritage List in 2010. It is held in the open-air museum of the Vroubenek on Veselý Hill and nearby villages. After the ceremonial permission to go round, the procession of masks goes from building to building and plays and dances for the owners of the houses to bring them luck, abundance, good harvest and fertility. Merry songs are played, but if someone has died in the building, they are replaced by tunes of mourning to honour the deceased. The hosts then treat the musicians with typical sweets such as doughnuts and alcohol to warm them up. Refreshments are also offered to visitors who come with the procession. The masks like to play pranks on them - they paint black lines of soot on their faces, throw the boys into the white snow and take the pretty girls for a spin. You'll find a chimney sweep, a chimney sweep, a Turk, a grasshopper, a laufro and straw scarecrows. Then in the afternoon, during the closing ceremony, they recite the carnival testament, enumerating the sins of the grasshopper mask. She is then slaughtered and the procession ends with the frolicsome dance of the masks - a symbol of the removal of all evil and the arrival of a new pure time.

Full article in Czech>

KS Zlin verejnost chodba 1.2.2024It is a pity that the article on Seznam.cz: Murder in Slopney was only short time on the front page? It was not mentioned in court that the victim was alleged to have modified weapons for the Slovak mafia, specifically adding silencers, also for Czech policemen?! I wonder who is interested in keeping the innocent in prison? Slovak Maroš Straňák and Czech David Šimon, with sentences of 24.5 and 20.5 years respectively, have been in prison for 11 years. Czech TV had two teams on the scene (supposedly important, editors told me) - no mention in the evening's CT Events ?! I wonder who has the power to arrange or order it!

The investigation into the murder of Miroslav Sedlář in 2011, also greatly complicated the actions of the descendants of the murdered man. First they reported that he fell down the stairs, then they cleaned up the house and the footprints... It cannot be ruled out that he modified the weapon used to murder journalist Ján Kuciak and his girlfriend for the Slovak mafia. The judge of the KS Zlín, Radomír Koudela, first acquitted the convicts in 2013, and in 2014 he gave them exceptional sentences. Milan Rakaš - the prosecution's crown witness - appeared in 2014 and claimed that Straňák had confessed to the murder to him while in custody... Jakub Řezníček - originally a suspect, then a witness - claimed that on the day of Sedlář's murder he had sat in the car with Šimon and Straňák and that he had sat there wearing a balaclava and gloves. It was there that police dogs identified his scent traces. The convicts refused his testimony, as did the fourth passenger. Pavel Kucik, the lead investigator of the murder, told reporters that Reznicek's statement was purposeful. But he never told the court. Tomáš Botek - told reporters that he did not meet Šimon and Straňák until about a month after the murder in Slopný - in October. His words are consistent with the telecommunications data.

Full article in Czech>

OS Ostrava Karas verejnost 23.1.2024It ended with a MOTION to the Minister of Justice Pavel Blažek to initiate disciplinary proceedings against Judge Jana Bochňáková by the association Šalamoun (27.1.2024) and my MOTION (29.1.2024). 

The judge did not allow me to enter the courtroom either before or after the start of the trial. The subsequent "visit" of the court president Mgr. Tomáš Komradek, accompanied by the judicial guards (on the recommendation of the Czech Police), did not bring, as expected, any result (the judge cowardly hid) and left everything to his secretary. My attempt to visit the judge with the door to his office open was promptly prevented by the judicial guard, who said that "he was not here" - see the audio recording. The secretary did not introduce herself, did not rise from her desk, did not shake my hand, let alone offer me coffee, as is standard in developed countries. The "class enemy" simply showed up - the classic arrogance of power. This is evidenced by the warning, primitively pasted on the entrance to the courtroom, apparently just for this hearing (unsigned). It is an honour for the public and the media to be considered "dangerous criminals" in advance. What is left for dangerous criminals in the Czech justice system?

Full article in Czech>

Tempel Robert a PCRI have followed the case for years, often as the only journalist - see links below. More in the article from which I quote:

"I've been going to psychiatry, taking medication for months. Physically I feel good, mentally it will never be good again. I can't get a good night's sleep. I thought sleep would improve, but it hasn't. It's always in my head and I can't erase it."

The judge of the Prague Court of Justice, Jiří Lněnička, would have deserved 20 years for his sentence, including the obligation to pay damages with his panel! He has received much more for his criminal convictions in the past, if not life imprisonment for the lives destroyed - see links below! During the trial of American Gilbert McCray, I called him a criminal in the courtroom at the end of the hearing. He left quickly. I met him once in Prague, wanted to approach him, he disappeared like a little boy...

Strangely enough, the public broadcaster ČT was silent on the evening's Události, as well as on another shocking case at the Zlín CC on the same day (I'll write tomorrow - two young men have been in prison for 11 years for a murder they demonstrably did not commit!). CT even had two teams in Zlín, but again no output in CT Events, just as the whole mainstream is silent so far).

Where is the Czech justice system and the public media heading? Who has the power to silence them and who has an interest in not informing the general public? You will find out tomorrow. JŠ

Full Article in Czech>

MSp official Mgr. Jacek Morávek needed 8 pages with 41 points to justify it?! The case of Ing. I have been following Petr Vlček for 8 years now, with no end in sight. Material and medical destruction of a decent, capable man and his two sons by the Czech judiciary. In this case, it cannot be called other than criminal. Children are the last thing the courts are interested in. They are destroying their lives and futures, just as they destroyed the future of their father, a former successful director of an international company. There is thus a real danger that instead of capable people contributing to the state budget, they will end up as welfare cases that could end up costing millions of crowns out of taxpayers' pockets.

The mother cannot handle the children and uses them demonstrably, with the help of the courts and the OSPOD, as a tool for revenge and liquidation of the father. In order to be able to visit his children, Mr Vlček had to be vaccinated against covid. The vaccination had fatal consequences (his joints swelled and he was threatened with a disability pension). He is now in hospital, where he is facing operations on both knees damaged by the vaccination (the first one will be more affected). More details on this completely inhumane case in the links below. There you will also find the verdict I was denied. It can be sent to anyone, just not to me - another symptom of the Czech justice system and its continuing collapse unless those responsible start acting and threatening to take justice into their own hands under the protection of Article 23 of the Czech Constitution, which obliges them to do so. For these crimes against humanity, all judges who knowingly participated and are participating in them should have been stripped of their robes long ago. JS

Original article in Czech>