Newsletter No. 2/2016

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sobota 4. květen 2024 22:15

The daughter of an innocent man, who in the Czech Republic was sentenced to 7 year prison term for made-up charges, reacts.

Ricar a JourovaWhen I read some articles by miss-informed journalists or similar others (even such as Ricar Marekpriests), my first reaction is – this man for sure is a hoodlum belonging to prison… The unbreakable faith into mighty Democracy and misguided believe to official statements, for sure prevents normal people to closely look into this case. So, here I present few intimate comments:

At first, Marek Ricar was placed, with his whole family, into witness protection program. In newspapers then appeared stories that he, under a changed name, is hiding in unknown place (!). He was placed in the witness protection program along with his five children; all of them had their names, places and data of birth officially changed – to such absurd places and different faraway states, that one simple phone call to such a local town’s office would trash this ridiculous phony! For the children, a new life began – full eight long years of pretends, learning their new so call identities, including confusing biographies, the constant change of place of address, the new friends, and perplexed feelings how to react to normal, everyday innocent questions asked by their school teachers…

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Bayern aus Böhmen

Konfuzius: „Wenn die Worte nicht stimmen, dann ist das Gesagte nicht das Gemeinte. Wenn das, was gesagt wird, nicht stimmt, dann stimmen die Werke nicht. Gedeihen die Werke nicht, so verderben Sitten und Künste. Darum achte man darauf, daß die Worte stimmen. Das ist das Wichtigste von allem.“

Mitteilungsblatt der Sudetendeutschen Landsmannschaft für Heimat, Recht und Frieden. Heimat, weil wir wissen, was heimatlos heißt. Recht, weil wir Rechtlosigkeit erlebt haben. Friede, weil nur der Friede Heimatrecht garantiert.

Festrede zur Preisverleihung der Haussnerstiftung

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Alarming video

Maybe just a scam, but warn against human stupidity.J.Š. 10.1.2016

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