Newsletter No. 50/2016

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pondělí 29. duben 2024 16:05

Rome, November 2016: Handbook of Russian Information Warfare

NATO handbook RU 11 2016Keir Giles is an Associate Fellow of the Royal Institute of International A_airs (Chatham House) in London. He also works with Con_ict Studies Research Centre, a group of subject matter experts in Eurasian security based in Cambridge - Handbook of Russian Information Warfare.

The Research Division (RD) of the NATO Defense College provides NATO’s senior leaders with sound and timely analyses and recommendations on current issues of particular concern for the Alliance. Papers produced by the Research Division convey NATO’s positions to the wider audience of the international strategic community and contribute to strengthening the Transatlantic Link. The RD’s civil and military researchers come from a variety of disciplines and interests covering a broad spectrum of security-related issues. They conduct research on topics which are of interest to the political and military decision-making bodies of the Alliance and its member states. The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization or the NATO Defense College.

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Mensch Erdogan!

Die Geheimnisse des türkischen Präsidenten

Lächeln sieht man ihn selten, seine Wutausbrüche sind berüchtigt: Recep Tayyip Erdogan ist seit 13 Jahren an der Macht – doch über den Privatmann ist wenig bekannt. Wie tickt der türkische Präsident?

Macht, Moral und Muskelspiele

Mit Hilfe von namhaften Experten, Biografen, Gegnern und Befürwortern zeichnet ZDFzeit ein Psychogramm des türkischen Präsidenten und zeigt, wie ihn sein erbitterter Kampf um die Macht geprägt hat. Er trinkt keinen Alkohol und besucht stets das Freitagsgebet. Er doziert darüber, dass Verhütung nicht mit dem Glauben vereinbar sei, jede Frau mindestens drei Kinder haben solle und dass Amerika nicht von dem Italiener Kolumbus, sondern von Muslimen entdeckt worden sei. Er lebt in einem Palast mit über 1000 Zimmern, torpediert Korruptionsermittlungen und billigt auch schon einmal öffentlich gewaltsames Vorgehen gegen unliebsame Demonstranten.

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Survey: two thirds of Czech secondary school students do not think coming to terms with totalitarianism has been sufficient; improvement of history lessons wanted

PEMC EN pie chart 301216Prague, 30 December 2016. Two thirds of Czech secondary school students do not think that coming to terms with totalitarianism in thePEMC E map with towns 3012016 country has been sufficient. This is the result of a long-term survey by the Platform of European Memory and Conscience carried out in the years 2013, 2015 and 2016 among 2,500 respondents from 42 secondary schools in all regions of the Czech Republic. Students want less focus on prehistoric times and the antique world, and better modern history education instead. The survey is part of a presentation of the Reader for Schools “Lest We Forget. Memory of Totalitarianism in Europe“, kindly supported by the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic in 2016.

For the third time this year, the Platform of European Memory and Conscience presented its international Reader “Lest We Forget. Memory of Totalitarianism in Europe“ at different types of secondary schools in all regions of the Czech Republic, kindly supported this time by a grant from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the Czech Republic.

During the event, in which also well-known actors/actresses and witnesses of totalitarian persecution participate, students fill in an anonymous questionnaire asking them “Do you think that our society has sufficiently come to terms with the legacy of Nazi and Communist totalitarianism after 1989?“ In three years, the statistically significant survey has had 2 485 respondents.

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