Newsletter No. 27/2015

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čtvrtek 9. květen 2024 4:12

Einladung: Sing und Spielkreis Heidelberg in Südmähren und den Böhmerwald

Einladung 9.August 2015 um 19:00 Uhr – Lieder und Tänze aus dem Böhmen und Mähren.

Museum der Ungerechtigkeit die zum Gesetz erhebt wurde, Stříbrský mlýn, Ivančice, bei Brünn.


Wahlen zur Bundesversammlung Antwort Slezak

Grüß Gott, an alle,

lieber Herr Lippert,

Herr Slezak hat die letzen vier Jahre auch keinen Antrag auf Änderung der Satzung bzw. auf Zweckänderung in der Satzung oder die Erstellung eines Grundsatzprogramms gestellt, trotzdem wurden diese fundamentalen, jetzt strittigen Punkte, im Eilverfahren vom Vorstand beschlossen, und sollten ohne Mitwirkung der Basis, von der Bundesversammlung verabschiedet werden.

Číst dál

Romania exposes communist crimes

Rumuni bojuji 1989As many as two million people were killed or persecuted by the former communist authorities in Romania, an official report says.

The report was presented to parliament by Romanian President Traian Basescu. It was the first such official inquiry into Romania's communist-era crimes. Mr Basescu said the 1945-1989 communist regime was "illegitimate and criminal". He proposed a national memorial day and museum for the victims of communism, along with a new history textbook.

Číst dál

Romania jails Communist-era prison chief in landmark case

VincescuA former Communist-era prison commander has been sentenced to 20 years in jail afterRumunska veznice being convicted of crimes against humanity in the first such trial in Romania.

Alexandru Visinescu, 89, ran the notorious Ramnicu Sarat prison from 1956 to 1963, where inmates were allegedly tortured and starved. At least 12 people are said to have died as a result of the abuse. Mr Visinescu denied the charges, saying he was just following orders. Prosecutors had sought a 25-year sentence, arguing that Mr Visinescu oversaw an "extermination regime" at the Ramnicu Sarat prison camp in the east of the country. Nicknamed "the prison of silence" because detainees were held in solitary confinement, the facility housed intellectuals, dissidents, priests and others deemed enemies of the Communist Party.

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