Jan Šinágl angažovaný občan, nezávislý publicista


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  • 02.06.2024 14:01
    Primitivní Rusové se cítí všude pány - už i v Praze ...


  • 02.06.2024 13:52
    Mnoho chytrých lidí na této síti naprosto správně poukazují na ...


  • 02.06.2024 13:45
    „Hypermarket ve druhém největším městě Ukrajiny, to je takový ...


  • 02.06.2024 08:58
    Média jsou moc, proto si je mocní hlídají ve vlastním zájmu.


  • 02.06.2024 08:55
    Politici a ti kdo je ovládají, si nikdy nedají vzít kontrolu ...


  • 01.06.2024 13:09
    Shlédl jsem dokument „HELENA“ – několik postřehů v rámci ...


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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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English articles

Zelenskij a Kreml"Zelensky is the son of a b***h of the West, they allow him everything. He is not only their son of a b***h, but also their tool to counter the Russian Federation," a Russian dipl1omatic spokeswoman said of Zelensky's visit to Washington. During footage of Zelensky in Congress, where he presented House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Vice President Kamala Harris with a Ukrainian flag signed by soldiers, Solovyov also got angry at his own editors in the director's chair. "Turn off the video! Can't you read what I wrote?" he accused them, whereupon the footage immediately disappeared...


From Volodymyr Zelensky's speech to the US Congress, constantly punctuated by a standing ovation.

Ukraine is an inspiration for the whole world. Russian tyranny has lost control over us. The Russians too will only have a chance to be free if they defeat the Kremlin in their minds. It is a struggle that will determine what kind of world our children, their children and their grandchildren will live in. This fight cannot be postponed. The war is interconnected, no one can stand aside. Next year will be the turning point when Ukrainian courage and American resolve will secure the freedom of people who stand up for their values.

Bata logoIt turns out that Jan Bata was enemy No. 1 of the German National Socialists. It is also clear that the German regime wanted to stop Bata. But even the Germans couldn't stop Bata.


I recommend a study:  Bata Foreign Office January 2011 + Foreign Office 21.10.1931 + German Intelligence Office DNB 19.7.1938 + Letter from Gerhard Keiper to John Nash 23.3.2011

First document - page 8

German Foreign Office memorandum of November 8, 1938 with attached memo explaining the reasons why the Nazi regime ordered the closing of all Bata's approximately 500 stores in the Sudetenland: "The reason for this order is the political stance taken by the Bata managing directorate during the political events leading to the handing over of the Sudetenland, and the conviction that the preservation of the extraordinarily networked system of Bata affiliates in the Sudeten-German region is not consistent from an economic-political standpoint with the principles of National Socialist governance of the economy.  The efforts of the Reich Commissar are directed to having Bata completely liquidate his affiliates and transfer them into other hands."

Bata o moralni bideBata Jan CT 24 CVIn "Read what came out in the Přítomnost" (13.12.2022) was also included an article from 16.5.1934, written by Edvard Maška  „Open letter to Jan Bata“ (pp. 311-312).

Mr. Maška's core work was primarily "guides to life success and personal development". I do not know to what extent his books fulfilled their aim, i.e. to help society, but the work of the Bata brothers fulfilled his proclaimed aims to the full. Benes vytahThose who do their work properly have no time to criticize others. I don't understand why the management of Přítomnost (Presence) chose this article. For the unknowing, I remind below not to forget the big and to remember the small  things and the people.

We need not dwell too much on what Bata offered his people. In the 1930s to 1940s. Bata was far ahead of all other companies in Czechoslovakia and Europe.

Bata provided:

EU logo srp kladivoMeanwhile, it has emerged that the scandal could also involve other MEPs.

The Belgian newspaper Le Soir and the weekly Knack finally reconstructed the genesis of the investigation: according to both newspapers, it started in 2021 without any warning or outside intervention, based on an investigation by the Belgian secret services, which had already secretly entered the house of former Italian MEP Antonio Panzeri and found 700,000 euros in cash. At that time, they decided to hand over all the documentation to the Belgian judge who was conducting the investigation.

Greek media: more than 60 MEPs in the crosshairs of Belgian justice

Sonnenborn Martin 4 2022More than 60 Members of the European Parliament are reportedly in the crosshairs of the maximum Qatargate investigation being conducted by the Belgian judiciary. This was reported by the private Greek television station MegaTv. According to the Greek TV, the MEPs who could be affected by the investigations and searches would mostly belong to the political families of the Socialists and Democrats, the European People's Party and other left-wing parties. The German online newspaper Focus.de also reported on this indiscretion, but the Belgian Federal Prosecutor's Office has not confirmed it.

Covid 19 VaccineDr. Betsy Eads has been fighting to get the truth out about the debilitating and deadly CV19 bioweapon injections from the very beginning.  The truth is coming out showing Dr. Eads was right all along even though the Lying Legacy Media (LLM) was suppressing her life saving data and analysis.  In August, Dr. Eads predicted the human damage from the CV19 bioweapon was going to get far worse, and increasing numbers of vax deaths and injuries show she was right again.  Dr. Eads now predicts, “. . . We are in the millions (of vax deaths) in America right now, and I am projecting a tsunami of deaths coming in the next two years.  The problem is you cannot turn off this messenger RNA spike protein producing factory mechanism.  People are still lockstep getting in line to take boosters, which have 70 million copies of the messenger RNA.