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Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) debunked George Stephanopoulos’s claims that no election fraud occurred, repeatedly slamming the ABC host for his left-wing bias on this morning’s This Week. 

The January 24th interview was intended to have Senator Amy Klobuchar as its third participant, but due to audio issues, the nearly seven-minute segment consisted of just Senator Paul and Stephanopoulos.

The ABC host repeatedly press the Kentucky Senator with the question: “the election was not stolen, do you accept that fact?”

In addition to Senate Paul slamming Stephanopoulos’s clear left-wing, anti-Trump bias several times, he also insisted that “the debate over whether or not there was fraud should occur.”

“In my state, where we had a Democrat Secretary of State, she refused, even under federal order, to purge the rolls of illegal voters. We got a Republican Secretary of State and he purged the rolls. […] In Wisconsin, tens of thousands of absentee votes had only the name on them and no address. Historically, those were thrown out. This time they weren’t,” he explains.

Senator Paul adds to his compelling case of voter fraud that there is a possibility election-related lawsuits could “work their way up to the Supreme Court”:

There were several states in which the law was changed by the Secretary of State and not the state legislature. To me, those are clearly unconstitutional and I think there is still a chance that those actually do finally work their way up to the Supreme Court. 


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0 #1 Jan Šinagl 2021-01-26 16:21
Fortunately, in America we have personalities like Senator Rand Paul. This is a typical example of a debate between the radical left media and normal-thinking politicians. A typical example of the dictatorial radical left media. A typical example where a reporter becomes a judge and an executor at the same time.

Have fun watching.
Martin Sochor

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