Jan Šinágl angažovaný občan, nezávislý publicista


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  • 26.07.2024 11:13
    Facebook promptly removed the post - www.facebook.com/.../ ...


  • 26.07.2024 11:05
    Facebook mi odebral příspěvek - www.facebook.com/.../ ...


  • 26.07.2024 10:59
    Podepsal jsem jako 80tý - viz text níže. Podepsaly by statisíce ...


  • 26.07.2024 10:57
    Dne 26.07.2024 v 8:34 Kristýna Gárská napsal(a): Dobrý den, pane ...


  • 22.07.2024 08:14
    Ve volbách do europarlamentu ale v poměru 12:9 uspěli ...


  • 16.07.2024 05:37
    Co jsou konspirace? Referáty soudců, usnesení, které vyloží věc ...


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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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English articles

LOH Paris 2024METRO socha Very Caslavske Pariz 24.7.2024Once upon a time, wars ceased during the Olympic Games. Today, they are not stopping and new ones are being created. A terrorist attack has just been launched on the French railways. Only a naive person would believe that Putin's criminal regime is not involved.

Europe has been paying the price for its naive policy in recent years of trying to act democratically, making it very easy for evil to gain a foothold. The whole democratic world is in vital need of new leaders, strong personalities. Only they can effectively confront evil. This has always been the case when a world crisis has broken out and incompetent politicians have been replaced by capable ones who always set the necessary course. This cannot be expected from the rule of capital and power structures. It is estimated that there are 1-2% psychopaths among the population and up to 20% among politicians ! Whoever succumbs to power, money and blohobyt, gradually destroys himself, his surroundings and the environment where he lives. Alas, if the majority of them are in positions of responsibility in society.

Paris LOH 2024 Vera Caslavska sochaIt is great that we have a statue of Věra Čáslavská in Paris. Through her sporting achievements, exemplary life and indomitable character, she represented the Olympic idea in the best possible way. More about the statue in a short interview with the author David Černý

Let's keep our fingers crossed for France and the French, lest we see a repeat of the 1972 Munich Olympics tragedy or something much worse. JŠ


Timothy Snyder: "One source of our disease is the drastic inequality of wealth that separates the life experiences of a very small group from everyone else. As Plato realized, this is how democracy becomes an oligarchy, the rule of the rich. When money becomes the only goal, values disappear and people begin to imitate the oligarchs. This is how we act now, when we marvel at fantasies of immortality instead of asking the olygarchs why our own lives must be shortened. By tolerating such dreaming by the richest, we create what Plato called a "community of the rich" and a "community of the poor."

Stranak Simon vezeniWe, the undersigned citizens, express our disagreement with the decision of the Brno Regional Court - Zlín Branch in the Slopné murder case. David Šimon and Maroš Straňák have been in prison for over 11 years. When requesting a retrial in 2024, the court did not take into account the new, crucial evidence presented by Seznam Zprav reporters Adéla Jelínková and Christine Havranová. The new evidence refutes the original evidence and points to possible other perpetrators of the murder. This case, reported in the podcast Slopné: Who is the murderer?, has shaken the public and sparked a debate about justice in our country. We consider the justice system's handling of this case to be unjust and demand the following steps:

1.We demand that the Slopné murder case be reopened and that new evidence not be downplayed - but instead thoroughly investigated.

2.We demand that the investigation be conducted in a transparent manner, with an emphasis on objectivity and fairness.

By signing THIS PETITION, we express our support for a fair and transparent judicial process and ask the relevant authorities to take immediate steps to remedy this situation.

Kristýna Gárská Contact the author of the petition


Regional Court Zlín 24.6.2024 Slopné: Will the trial be resumed, apparently threatening the unfair practices of the police and armourers?!

Regional Court Zlín Slopné 15.7.2024: "Primitive" from Letná in Prague 1. Mai 2005 had to call things by their real name again!

"Misfortune can be brought upon a nation by others. A nation brings humiliation on itself only by its own actions.“

 Henry Thomas Buckle, English historian


EU totalitaJourova LayenovaWe have let the beasts into power, let us not wonder at their behaviour, when the able and the all-powerful have come to be controlled by no one and nothing. The quality of politics and politicians always depends on the quality of society.

Isn't Ursula von Leyn going to jail? Věra Jourová should follow her example. In this article, both links to the French articles have already disappeared, just as the SPIEGEL magazine article (a few days after its publication) on corruption at the highest level of the EU has disappeared from the web?!

The Polish MEP Zajączkowska-Hernik devoted a large part of her speech on the election of Ursula von der Leyen to the migration pact. "You are the face of the migration pact. I speak to you as a woman to a woman, as a mother to a mother. How are you not ashamed to promote something like the migration pact, which leads to millions of women and children feeling unsafe on the streets of their cities? You are responsible for every rape, for every attack caused by the influx of illegal migrants. It is you who invite them. You should go to prison for what you are doing, not to the European Commission', concluded the Polish politician.

This major international conference on physics is the 10th anniversary conference of the 10th International Conference on Physics. It has been held every two years, i.e. for twenty years, always in cooperation and under the auspices of the Archbishops of Prague, this year with the participation of H.E. Cardinal Dominic Duka, O.P.

The opening ceremony took place in the Wallenstein Garden on 22 July 2024 at 7:00 p.m. I received the information shortly before the start (i.e. without an official invitation). The organizing service was perfect. I was able to attend only on the "intercession" of the Cardinal, when I received my guest tag. I was also able to speak with the honorees from the USA. We agreed that the USA also needs a "return to the roots" on which it was founded, i.e. the ideas of the "founding fathers". 

Below is a video of the entire ceremony and a detailed program of the conference. I did not notice the presence of the public media. JŠ



Invitation + 23.7 Tuesday A + 23.7 Tuesday B + 24.7 Wednesday + 25.7 Thursday + 26.7 Friday

Justice for Petr EMS Praha Dubovcova prg 17.7.2024Ms. Lenka Dubovcova ended her protest action in front of the KSA Embassy in Prague after 44 days, when the KSA Embassy and the MFA refused to actively contact and address the situation. Current status - https://x.com/Protestingwidow    

Prague City Court discussed the removal of the diplomat's wife on 17 July. As expected, it was rejected: audio recording of the DEBATE - RESOLUTION. Was it supposedly just a "walk in", no performance of the diplomat's job? (The new ambassador was being familiarized with the surroundings of his new post). In other words, if a diplomat dies outside of official buildings and meetings, the survivors are out of luck, as the deceased is not covered by MFA insurance.

Sadly, the MFA charges legal fees even though the lawyer is their employee. The cause of death was the failure to provide timely, full first aid. It was not only the KSA medical ambulance service that failed, but also the MFA that failed to perform its duties properly.

Diplomat Petr Dubovec was dying for 2 hours!

This was a fatal disabling injury. No wonder the death of the diplomat was initially covered up by the MFA. His death was due to the shenanigans that reigned within it - irresponsibility, incompetence, and all the interconnecting corrupt, personal ties.

It was not a so-called "extraordinary event" - just a man died...

Mrs. Lenka Dubovcová is considering an appeal. Under the current circumstances and the poor quality of the filing, her chances are almost nil. "She can't afford an army of lawyers. No media or publicity has been forthcoming...

Let's keep our fingers crossed for her and her children - as well as for Consul Dr. Jana Chaloupková!