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  • 26.07.2024 11:13
    Facebook promptly removed the post - www.facebook.com/.../ ...


  • 26.07.2024 11:05
    Facebook mi odebral příspěvek - www.facebook.com/.../ ...


  • 26.07.2024 10:59
    Podepsal jsem jako 80tý - viz text níže. Podepsaly by statisíce ...


  • 26.07.2024 10:57
    Dne 26.07.2024 v 8:34 Kristýna Gárská napsal(a): Dobrý den, pane ...


  • 22.07.2024 08:14
    Ve volbách do europarlamentu ale v poměru 12:9 uspěli ...


  • 16.07.2024 05:37
    Co jsou konspirace? Referáty soudců, usnesení, které vyloží věc ...


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Consul dr. Jana Chaloupková

  • „Marku, s tebou bych nikdy nepracovala“ - I Reportéři ČT musí poslouchat „deep state“…

    Hus lounskym 1410Hus krkavciAktualizováno 22.7.2022: Xaverův Šlachta, Šinágl – Šlachtův, Šináglův Xaver


    Deep State = hluboký stát, neboli skutečně vládnoucí mocenské propletence, zločinné struktury vybraných politiků, podnikatelů, úředníků, finančníků, soudců, státních zástupců, policistů, právníků, členů bezpečnostní komunity, včetně novinářů. Party, které nikdo nevolil, ale které mají skutečnou moc v zemi!

    Dnes máme 607. výročí upálení Mistra Jana Husa – nechal se za pravdu upálit. Dnes se pravdy mnozí novináři obávají, pokud nejsou rovnou placeni těmi, kdo si nepřejí, aby ji veřejnost poznala.  

    Jana Škopková: „Marku, s tebou bych nikdy nepracovala“. Debata na síti rozkryla, jak to chodí v redakci Reportérů ČT. Práci Jany Škopkové znám roky. Nemám nejmenšího důvodu o jejím pevném charakteru pochybovat. Zato mám mnoho důvodů a důkazů, jak ve své novinářské práci Reportéři ČT, týdeník RESPEKT, či DeníkN selhávají.

  • Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Morocco Viktor Lorenc, disappeared from the website of the embassy ?!

    Lorenc ViktorI found out on the website of the embassy in Morocco that V. Lorenc is no longer there. Apparently, the package includes 21 names of ambassadors returning to the Czech Republic. In his case, I would say at last, because the shame about his visas is outrageous, isn't it? When you look at the embassy's website, the position of the ambassador is empty in the Czech version.

    Who will be next? That the diplomat Jaroslav Škeřík, whom the media had previously announced? After the disgrace around his posting to Switzerland, he again got a "good" stunt. Will it continue visa fraud? If he was doing something at the Diplomatic Service, he might be willing to do it elsewhere. Or how it was.....

    I also happened to hear from a friend that the brother of the director of the Visa Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, David Nový, works for the BIS (Security Information Service). I would almost call it a conflict of interest. Then it may be clear why no one admitted you to the BIS and visa fraud is not spared. The same people have it everywhere.

  • Czech Republic: Diplomatic posts are also a form of corruption

    Stasek Miroslav a diplomateThe destructive cocktail of vested interests and widespread corruption is the misfortune and pain of our state. Every year, billions from the budget end up in the private accounts of individuals. Corruption has a powerful influence on the decision-making of government and local politicians and lowers the standard of living of everyone. It affects all branches of government, from road and motorway construction to health care.

    It is not just about financial donations; the forms of corruption are varied, from cash to paid trips, luxury gifts, lucrative contracts or grants to lucrative positions on supervisory boards or in the civil service, where ambassadorial posts are among the most popular.

    But it doesn't stop there. Every newly appointed deputy, chief director and sometimes even "mere" director chooses an office and a secretariat, gets new equipment, brings in assistants. And, especially in the case of the State Department, they start travelling. The number of inspection, control and other missions increases by leaps and bounds. Towards the end of the term, these staff usually become ambassadors.

  • Další podpora odvolané konzulky dr. Jany Chaloupkové

    Tentokrát z Oazy Tiggert na jihu Maroka. Před dvěma týdny tam byl velký požár – viz video níže.

    Halo z Muzea Tiggert,

    Jsme historické muzeum v oáze blízko města Guelmin na jihu Maroka. Před dvěma týdny nás postihlo velké neštěstí, požár, který zničil 2 500 palem. Nevíme přesně příčinu ohně. Dotkl se i dveří našeho muzea, ale Allah byl při nás a ušetřil nás. Můj bratranec přijel rychle 250 km z Alayunu. Muzeum ukazuje tradice našich nomádských kmenů, je to náš život, naše duše.

  • Der Mann am Prager Burg wurde entlastet. Er wird Botschafter in Rom sein

    Kohout Jan v CineAuf der Grundlage der verfügbaren Fakten und Tatsachen können wir sagen, dass sich die derzeitigen „Bewohner“ der Prager Burg wie Verräter verhalten. Das Interesse des Landes ist für sie das Allerletzte, wenn sie überhaupt ein Interesse haben, diese völlig skrupellosen Personen - außer für ihre persönlichen Interessen. Hochverrat ist ein Straftatbestand. Diejenigen, die das Problem lösen sollen, wissen es und lösen es nicht, werden zu Komplizen. JŠ


    Jan Kohout, ein zweifacher ehemaliger Außenminister, wurde von den Regierungen der ANO und der ČSSD für den Posten des Botschafters in Rom nominiert. Der Diplomat und pro-chinesische Lobbyist wartet seit anderthalb Jahren auf eine Sicherheitsfreigabe. Der zweifache Ex-Außenminister Jan Kohout wartet seit Februar letzten Jahres auf seine Sicherheitsfreigabe. Jetzt hat dieser "Burg"-Mann seinen Traum von Rom zum Greifen nah. Nach Angaben von Seznam Zprav hat Kohout endlich seine Sicherheitsgenehmigung erhalten und soll das Agrément, d.h. die Zustimmung der italienischen Behörden zu seiner diplomatischen Ernennung, in der Tasche haben. Jan Kohout war in den letzten Jahren eine der Stützen des Machtnetzwerks von Staatschef Miloš Zeman. Zwischen 2013 und 2014 war er Minister in der Präsidialregierung, die jedoch nie das Vertrauen der Abgeordnetenkammer erhielt. Gleichzeitig war er an pro-chinesischen Aktivitätenin der Tschechischen Republik beteiligt, die von Zeman gefördert wurden.

  • Diplomat - drunkard Moravec quit, diplomat Hybášková - promoted for drunkenness, great diplomat Chaloupková - fired for honesty...

    Moravec LudekHavel Kongres USA bystaRead more in the article Czech Republic had to withdraw a diplomat from the USA, he was threatened with criminal prosecution.

    In the matter with Dr. Jana Chaloupková, I personally informed both Senator Pavel Fischer, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, as well as Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský and the Pirates. They know, they do not act, although they could and should. The one who covered up this immorality, former State Secretary at the Czech Foreign Ministry Miroslav Stašek, was appointed as the new Czech Ambassador to the USA for a "reward". Who has so much power that he has silenced the media and the opposition, which is obediently silent? Is President Miloš Zeman the obedient executor of the will of the arms industry? Let the citizen make up his own mind.

    There is a statue of Václav Havel in the US Congress as an example to the world and a reminder of his legacy. Is it in the Czech Parliament? There was once a statue of Karel Kryl there, but it has been removed. JŠ


    Original article updated to include communication with the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs>

  • Episode IX : Czech-Marocco Gate - Suite de la série : vous mourrez comme un chien

    Plecnik NovorocenkaPrelovsek DamjanDamjan Prelovšek - historien de l'art et expert en architecture moderne, spécialisé dans l'œuvre de l'architecte Jože Plečnik, ambassadeur de Slovénie en République tchèque de 1998 à 2002, membre de l'Académie européenne des sciences et des arts, écrivain et photographe. À droite, carte du Nouvel An de Jože Plečnik.


     "Le procès pour discrimination en cours est si décevant et si honteux de vous faire subir cela" : un extrait du vœu de Noël d'un diplomate étranger au Dr Jana Chaloupková, je m'y identifie totalement.


     Un politicien tchèque a répondu "Vous mourrez comme un chien" à la question de Mme Chaloupková sur ce qui arriverait si elle ne cessait pas de se battre pour son travail et pour la justice. Les divers avertissements et menaces ont commencé lentement en 2020. Aujourd'hui, je donne la parole à l'un des autres témoins pour qu'il décrive un appel téléphonique qu'il a lui-même entendu au printemps 2021 :


    "C'était en mars 2021 et nous étions en train de nous habiller dans le couloir de la maison d'un ami à Prague. Mlle Jana essayait de joindre un collègue du service du personnel du ministère des affaires étrangères parce qu'elle devait lui envoyer un document par courriel. Il ne répondait pas au téléphone, il était déjà près de cinq heures, nous avons donc décidé de rentrer à la maison. Soudain, le téléphone a sonné et a retenti. Jana l'a mis sur le micro pour pouvoir enfiler ses bottes en même temps. Une voix agréable s'est fait entendre de l'autre côté. Je n'y ai pas prêté attention, mais j'ai rapidement dû faire la sourde oreille. La communication habituelle au sujet d'un papier a été suivie de quelques mots choquants :

    "Avez-vous de l'argent ? Mlle Jana n'a pas réagi et a regardé avec surprise. "Je vous l'ai dit quand je vous ai appelée au Maroc. Le Secrétaire d'Etat est derrière tout. Il y a des réunions entre lui et les proches dirigeants du ministère. Il a été décidé à ce moment-là que vous n'auriez jamais de travail. Je suis sincère. Quoi qu'il en soit, vous pouvez vous réjouir d'être encore en vie. Vous avez empiété sur les affaires de quelqu'un avec le visa. Et c'est impardonnable.“

    Le MAE ne fonctionne pas selon des critères moraux et pas seulement. Qu'est-ce qui fonctionne selon ces critères, ou qui est régi par eux, dans le monde d'aujourd'hui ? C'est pourquoi le monde est inévitablement plongé dans une nouvelle crise économique profonde. Sans les fondements de la moralité, tôt ou tard, tout s'effondrera inévitablement, et en fin de compte, légalement. J. A. Comenius : "C'est un animal qui embrasse le monde entier et en fait ce qu'il veut."

    Article complet en tchèque>

  • Episode IX: Das tschechisch-marokkanische Tor - Fortsetzung der Serie: Du wirst sterben wie ein Hund

    Prelovsek DamjanPlecnik NovorocenkaDr. Damjan Prelovšek - Kunsthistoriker und Experte für moderne Architektur, spezialisiert auf das Werk des Architekten Jože Plečnik, Botschafter Sloweniens in der Tschechischen Republik 1998-2002, Mitglied der Europäischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und Künste, Schriftsteller und Fotograf. Auf der rechten Seite die Neujahrskarte von Jože Plečnik.


    "Der laufende Diskriminierungsprozess ist so enttäuschend und eine Schande, dass Sie das durchmachen müssen": ein Auszug aus dem Weihnachtswunsch eines ausländischen Diplomaten an Dr. Jana Chaloupková, dem ich mich voll und ganz anschließen kann.


    "Sie werden sterben wie ein Hund", war die Antwort eines tschechischen Politikers auf die Frage von Dr. Chaloupková, was passieren wird, wenn sie nicht aufhört, für ihren Job und für Gerechtigkeit zu kämpfen. Die verschiedenen Warnungen und Drohungen begannen langsam im Jahr 2020. Heute lasse ich einen der anderen Zeugen zu Wort kommen, um einen Telefonanruf zu beschreiben, den er selbst im Frühjahr 2021 erhielt:


    "Es war im März 2021 und wir zogen uns gerade im Flur des Hauses einer Freundin in Prag an. Frau Jana versuchte, einen Kollegen aus der Personalabteilung des Außenministeriums zu erreichen, weil sie ein Dokument per E-Mail versenden musste. Er ging nicht ans Telefon, es war bereits kurz vor fünf Uhr, also beschlossen wir, nach Hause zu gehen. Plötzlich klingelte das Telefon und sl. Jana legte den Hörer auf das Mikrofon, damit sie gleichzeitig ihre Stiefel anziehen konnte. Auf der anderen Seite meldete sich eine angenehme Stimme. Ich schenkte ihr keine Beachtung, aber bald musste ich mich taub stellen. Auf die übliche Mitteilung über eine Zeitung folgten einige schockierende Worte:

    "Haben Sie Geld? Und haben Sie Arbeit?" Frau Jana reagierte nicht, sondern starrte mich nur verwundert an. "Nun, ich habe es Ihnen gesagt, als ich Sie in Marokko anrief. Der Außenminister steckt hinter allem. Es gibt Besprechungen zwischen ihm und der engen Führung des Ministeriums. Damals wurde beschlossen, dass Sie nie eine Stelle bekommen würden. Ich meine es gut. Wie auch immer, Sie können froh sein, dass Sie noch am Leben sind. Mit dem Visum haben Sie sich in die Angelegenheiten anderer eingemischt. Und das ist unverzeihlich.''

    Die Aussenministerium funktioniert nicht nach moralischen Kriterien, und nicht nur sie. Was funktioniert in der heutigen Welt nach diesen Kriterien, oder wird von ihnen bestimmt? Deshalb wird die Welt unweigerlich in eine weitere tiefe Wirtschaftskrise stürzen. Ohne die Grundlagen der Moral wird früher oder später alles unweigerlich zusammenbrechen, und am Ende wird es rechtmäßig zusammenbrechen. J. A. Comenius: "Es ist ein solches Tier, das die ganze Welt umarmt und mit ihr macht, was es will."

    Vollständiger Artikel auf Deutsch>

  • Episode VIII: Czech-Marocco Gate series continued - Chargé d'Affaires a.i. in Moscow Jiří Čistecký versus visa fraud in Morocco

    Prelovsek Damjan

    Updated 17.12.2023: Corruption at the highest level of the EU: secret meeting in Suite 412  - "We should sanction the perpetrators by denying visas and seizing their assets abroad." MEP Michael Gahler  


    Dr. Damjan Prelovšek - art historian and expert on modern architecture, specialised in the work of architect Jože Plečnik, Ambassador of Slovenia to the Czech Republic 1998-2002, member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, writer and photographer.


    So who was Badraoui anyway? And what was his interest in A. Bahaddou's visas?

    Badraoui LorencI was asked a similar question by MFA lawyer Jiri Slays last year - why were the Moroccans interested in uncovering visa fraud and why, over time, did they give me some of their tapes of embassy wiretaps related to visas? In a legal society, such a question shouldn't even come up: after all, everyone should be interested in following the law, in the correct execution of the visa agenda, and in not encouraging human trafficking. In practice, however, we all know that in Arab countries many people turn a blind eye. In Morocco, on the other hand, many people are happy for their people to move to Europe and to make money out of it. Some are just looking for a better material life, others want to spread the Muslim faith in Europe, and still others engage in various not entirely legal activities. On the other hand, however, Morocco is a strategic partner of the EU and receives a lot of money in projects to combat illegal migration and to solve asylum problems.


    Žebrák Castle 13.8.2021: Interview of Jan Šinágl with the ex-ambassador of Slovenia to the Czech Republic Damjan Prelovšek


    Morocco cares very much about the reputation of the country and its ruler, much more than the Czech Republic.

  • Flying around the world for Mardi Gras

    Masopust 1Masopust 2

    Photos from Winter Wonderland Prague - Letňany. JŠ


    The slow departure of winter and the onset of warmer spring days heralds the traditional Mardi Gras revelry bidding farewell to the cold with exuberant merriment. The so-called Fashank is celebrated between the Lenten season of Christmas and Easter and this year falls between 7 January (after Three Kings) and 13 February. But carnival fun varies from place to place, in some places lasting just one day, in others for weeks. Organisers also often coordinate so that spectators can see multiple parades in one year and enjoy the fun. It is also an opportunity to visit neighbours near and far and learn about their culture.

    Masopust 3Masopust 4The Old Bohemian Carnival in Hlinsko was inscribed on the UNESCO Intangible Heritage List in 2010. It is held in the open-air museum of the Vroubenek on Veselý Hill and nearby villages. After the ceremonial permission to go round, the procession of masks goes from building to building and plays and dances for the owners of the houses to bring them luck, abundance, good harvest and fertility. Merry songs are played, but if someone has died in the building, they are replaced by tunes of mourning to honour the deceased. The hosts then treat the musicians with typical sweets such as doughnuts and alcohol to warm them up. Refreshments are also offered to visitors who come with the procession. The masks like to play pranks on them - they paint black lines of soot on their faces, throw the boys into the white snow and take the pretty girls for a spin. You'll find a chimney sweep, a chimney sweep, a Turk, a grasshopper, a laufro and straw scarecrows. Then in the afternoon, during the closing ceremony, they recite the carnival testament, enumerating the sins of the grasshopper mask. She is then slaughtered and the procession ends with the frolicsome dance of the masks - a symbol of the removal of all evil and the arrival of a new pure time.

    Full article in Czech>

  • Former Ambassador of Slovenia to the Czech Republic Mr. Damjan Prelovšek, responds to the response of Prime Minister Andrej Babiš to MP Jana Černochová on her interpellation in the case of Morocco

    Prelovsek Damjan IIUpdated June 4, 2021:Opposition ambassadors change criticism as gambling or irresponsibility

    … Among other things, the ambassador to Slovakia and former police president Tomáš Tuhý will move to the post of ambassador to Slovenia. "We need responsible and experienced ambassadors who have earned the post for their work, not loyalty to Miloš Zeman and his surroundings. will it belong to the people from Miloš Zeman's team? ".According to MP Černochová,Those who dislike will end, on the contrary, those who have been faithfully serving the Castle for a long time will be rewarded. It confirms that the current government is the government of President Miloš Zeman. In addition, the cabinet step pointed out that the diplomatic career rules are meaningless. Czech foreign policy is already unreadable to the Allies because of the president, prime minister and deputy prime minister. This exchange will only deepen this illegibility and may cause irreversible damage to Czech interests. "


    … Regarding the answer provided to you by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Interior of the Czech Republic, I must say that it is partly untrue. I am a direct participant in some events in Morocco and I can confirm that I have never received internal information from the Deputy Ambassador and Consul of the Czech Embassy in Rabat, but I passed on the data so that she could use it for the quality of the visa agenda. in favor of the defense of the security of the Czech Republic, and thus of the entire Schengen group. As a citizen of a Member State of the European Union, I am interested in the correct implementation of the Schengen visa agenda, as it is linked to the protection of the EU's external border and thus security for all of us, in a spirit of European cooperation and belonging.

    At the same time, I must protest against the wording in your answer, which damages my reputation and honor. All my life I have been cooperating with a number of Czech institutions on cultural projects and even my villa, the work of Jože Plečnik, has always been open to Czech visitors and the Czech Embassy in Ljubljana for organizing activities. I also cannot accept the accusation that I am acting under pressure from the consul, as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic is trying to disseminate manipulated information in order to cover up the mistake of Ambassador Viktor Lorenc. Personally, I would welcome the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic to stop attacking me and to pay more attention to the correct investigation of practices at the embassy in Morocco, not only visas but also security. I am concerned that the Czech side is not interested in saving anything. The police are constantly relocating the matter, now for the fifth time, in a year and a half they have not even interrogated the main actors. …

  • Further support of the recalled consul dr. Jana Chaloupková

    Hello from Tiggert Museum,

    We are in the south of Morocco near the city of Guelmin. Our beauriful palm oasis suffered a huge fire 2 weeks ago and 2 500 palm trees were burned out. Very sad. It is not clear how the fire started. This time it is so hot too. Luckily our historical museum was saved. Allah with us. We show to tourist the history of our nomadic tribes, our clothes, tools and traditions. The fire almost touched the door of our museum. But we were lucky. My cousin came 250 km far away from Alayun, quickly, worried about the museum. Its our life, our roots.

  • He described how fraudulently a career in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic is being made. The dismissal of an honest man, threatening the interests of the corrupt structures, reaching in the EU and security of the Schengen area

    MZV CR logo EThe MFA Czech Republic needs a total reform and purge! Career diplomats are the type of people who cover their backs for the sake of profit, and the interests of the country come second. The higher the position of responsibility, the less freedom the person has to solve the problem or challenge. He needs ten times more knowledge and expertise than is actually needed. Honour the exceptions! JŠ


    Jan Čapek produced an audit, the contents of which were unpleasant for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He found that the office was not transparently selecting people for highly desirable positions in embassies. A swift sacking followed.

    According to the immediate account of Čapek's boss, Hybášková (the personnel chief) was told by Čapek's boss (as heard on the recording) that if journalists learned that the selections were not transparent, "it would be such a headline." Also that the audit report should be classified so that journalists can't get to it through the information law.

    Did an article disappear from the front page of Seznam.cz unusually quickly? One of the diplomat's first posts about her experience was no longer found in the discussion of the article. I'm adding more relevant information:

  • Is the Czech Foreign Ministry crazy?

    Filipi Eva"The Lady from Damascus" is about to end. Doyenne of Czech diplomacy in Syria helpedsave many allies.

    More than once, her life was on the line, yet she is still working in the Czech Republic's uniform in one of the most complex destinations on the planet. According to the findings of Lidovky.cz, the ambassador to Syria, Eva Filipi, is now expected to leave her post in Damascus.

    Her diplomatic skills have been praised by the Americans. They reduced their presence in Damascus after the attack on Ambassador Robert Ford in 2011. Subsequently, the Czechs began to play the role of a liaison officer or protector of American interests (the so-called protecting power). This concerns primarily consular issues that affect the fate of specific American citizens. The reason why the US chose the Czech Republic was described six years ago by former Ambassador Ford himself to Foreign Policy magazine. "Eva (Filipi) had a better insight into the mindset of the Syrian government," he recalled.

    Diplomacy did not want to comment on the exchange. "The process of appointing ambassadors is conducted in a classified mode and we cannot comment on the details," said Daniel Drake, a State Department spokesman. He added that the Czech embassy in Damascus would continue to act as a "protecting power".

  • J'ai informé l'Ambassadeur du Royaume du Maroc à Prague du scandale à l'Ambassade de la République tchèque à Rabat

    Maroko kralovsky znakChaloupková Jana III

    J'ai soumis la lettre en tchèque personnellement à l'Ambassade à Prague le 30 juin 2021. J'ai envoyé sa version françaisele 5 juillet 2021.

    L'Ambassade a confirmé la réception de la version française le 7/7/2021 :


    Cher Monsieur Sinagl,


    J'accuse réception de votre lettre à l'ambassadeur.

  • Kdy najdou veřejnoprávní média konečně odvahu informovat o diplomatickém skandálu v Maroku?!

    … Zprostředkovával to nějaký Španěl a zaplatili mu 6000 euro. Ten Španěl byl podvodník. Určitě je s někým na ambasádě spojen. Jinak to nejde. Mnoho nedobrého kolem české ambasády v Rabatu. Mysleli jsme, že státy EU nepodvádějí a nejsou korupční.

    * * *

    Dobrý den,

    Přeposílám email od kamarádky z Maroka. Požádala mne o překlad. Upozornil jsem ji na Vaše články o konzulátu, také nemá dobrou zkušenost.

  • Letem světem za masopustem

    Masopust 1Masopust 2

    Fotografie z Winter Wonderland Praha – Letňany. JŠ


    Pomalý odchod zimy a nástup teplejších jarních dnů avizuje tradiční masopustní veselí loučící se s chladem bujarým veselím. Tzv. fašank se slaví mezi postním obdobím Vánoc a Velikonoc a v tomto roce připadá na období od 7. ledna (po Třech králích) do 13. února. Karnevalové zábavy se ale liší od místa k místu, někde trvají jen jeden den, jinde dlouhé týdny. Organizátoři se také mnohdy koordinují, aby diváci mohli v jednom roce shlédnout více průvodů a užít si zábavu. Je to také příležitost zajet k blízkým i vzdálenějším sousedům a poznat jejich kulturu.

    Staročeský masopust v Hlinsku byl v r. 2010 zapsán na seznam nehmotného dědictví UNESCO. Koná se ve skanzenu vroubenek na Veselém kopci a nedalekých vesnicích. Průvod masek se po slavnostním povolení k obchůzce vydává od stavení ke stavení a hraje a tančí pro majitele domků, aby jim přinesl štěstí, hojnost, dobrou úrodu a plodnost. Hrají se veselé písně, ale pokud ve stavení někdo skonal, nahradí je melodie smuteční k uctění zemřelého. Domácí pak hudebníky pohostí typickými sladkostmi, jako jsou např. koblihy a pro zahřátí alkoholem. Pohoštění je nabízeno i návštěvníkům, kteří chodí s průvodem. Masky s nimi rády žertují - malují jim černé čáry ze sazí na obličej, chlapce házejí do bělostného sněhu a pěkná děvčata vezmou do kola. Najdete tu kominíka, kramáře, turka, rasa s kobylou, laufra a slaměné strašáky. Odpoledně pak během závěrečného obřadu přednesou masopustní testament, kde vypočítávají hříchy masky kobylky. Ta je pak poražena a obchůzka končí dovádivým tancem masek – symbolem odstranění všeho špatného a nástupu nové čisté doby.


    Bahdou Ahmed 2Une série d'articles et de commentaires sur ce qui se passe à l'Ambassade tchèque au Maroc soulève un certain nombre de questions auxquelles il faut réfléchir. Surtout où va l'argent des Hladik Jancontribuables et comment fonctionne (ne fonctionne pas) l'administration de l'État et la protection de notre sécurité, de notre nation, de notre culture, de notre État et de toute l'UE.

    Je n'ai passé que peu de temps au Maroc, mais c'était suffisant pour créer une certaine image. Bien que je sois venu à cause de la culture, je suis technicien et homme d'affaires de profession, donc j'étais également intéressé par les opportunités de commerce. Il y a beaucoup de main-d'œuvre bon marché au Maroc, qui peut être mise à profit en combinaison avec notre qualité. Cependant, j'ai été frappé par l'approche de l'ambassadeur Lorenc, qui était plus souriant à nos activités - petites et moyennes entreprises. Un type particulier de «soutien» que le Ministère des Affaires étrangères tchèque nous promet tant à nous entrepreneurs.

    Quand je pense aux articles sur les sites Web et à ce qui se passe à l'Ambassade de République tchèque au Maroc, je pense que tout doit avoir un contexte plus large. Il est clair qu'il y a un chaos dans cette ambassade. Le Ministère des Affaires étrangères  pour une raison quelconque, le couvre. Il n'y a pas que deux personnes qui s'activisent dans les visas. Quelqu'un doit gagner quelque chose des deux côtés - tchèque et marocaine et peut-être même française, puisque ces gens étaient censés rester en France. En général, sous la responsabilité du Ministère des Affaires étrangères, une grosse monnaie noire est probablement en rotation. Voyez les articles du journal E15 La mafia traite des visas... Ukraine, Vietnam, Russie, Iran... Est-il possible de le faire sans engagement des gens des ambassades? À l'insu du ministère des Affaires étrangères? C'est une pratique appelée l' usine de visas.

  • Martin Stropnický: Another international disgrace for Czech diplomacy

    Stropnicky HornakovaLorenc ViktorAfter the appointment of the characterless former Secretary of State Miroslav Stasek as the new Czech Ambassador to the USA, the moral failure of the Czech Ambassador to Israel Martin Stropnický is another disgrace.

    Even diplomats are only human, but after such a fatal moral failure, they should resign immediately or be immediately dismissed by the Foreign Minister (they even drive drunk - Jana Hybášková became the Foreign Minister's Commissioner for Supporting Czechs to EU Institutions!).

    They have no moral order, no self-reflection, they put their own person above the interests of the country. How many such diplomats and politicians "represent" our country, which the informed consider to be just a provincial Czech Kocourkov. We are a laughing stock to the whole world. It is also a disgrace for citizens who privately criticise, scold - and fail to act.  The games around the appointment of the new Czech ambassador to Ukraine are just another example of the qualities of the Czech Foreign Ministry, which is more like a family business at the expense of the state, where for not a few employees, service to the country is not the first priority.

  • MFA Czech Republic: Too many Sir Humphreys - and crime!

    MZV CR logo EJournalist Jaroslav Spurný responds to my criticism about the silence of the weekly RESPEKT (2021): I have to get used to the fact that "What is good for the public is fortunately not decided by Šinágl" (I can no longer find the text on FB). JŠ


    About a case from the State Department, or the de facto decision-making power remains in the hands of technocrats elected by no one. Overwhelming bureaucracy just one of the problems that is capable of stifling any effort at change.

    The main method is to manipulate their minister, primarily by keeping him busy with time-consuming tasks whose sole purpose is to keep the minister busy and out of his way. However, he does not shy away from using his own mistakes against the Minister.

    "This is a tragedy, the entire state and public apparatus is riddled with it. They don't decide ability but who is whose friend, who is kissing up to whom and can be useful in return, by passing on contracts to friends who helped him into office. You can change the whole government, but this is here to stay. You have to change the whole system and that is a Sisyphean job and I'm afraid it's just not feasible without a total screw-up of the whole society."

    Systemic change will have to include at least three aspects: