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  • 26.07.2024 11:13
    Facebook promptly removed the post - www.facebook.com/.../ ...


  • 26.07.2024 11:05
    Facebook mi odebral příspěvek - www.facebook.com/.../ ...


  • 26.07.2024 10:59
    Podepsal jsem jako 80tý - viz text níže. Podepsaly by statisíce ...


  • 26.07.2024 10:57
    Dne 26.07.2024 v 8:34 Kristýna Gárská napsal(a): Dobrý den, pane ...


  • 22.07.2024 08:14
    Ve volbách do europarlamentu ale v poměru 12:9 uspěli ...


  • 16.07.2024 05:37
    Co jsou konspirace? Referáty soudců, usnesení, které vyloží věc ...


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Czech Embassy Marocco

  • Moroccans and the second generation among Jihadists in Spain

    Spain Marocco Jihad 2013 2017A large majority of Jihadists in Spain are either Moroccans or descendants of Moroccans. But it is more likely for someone of Moroccan origin to become involved in terrorist activities if living in Spain than if living in Morocco.

    Whole article from 27.6.2018

    EU-Afrika-Strategie: Die EU setzt auf eine stärkere Partnerschaft


    Spanish Govt. Gives Go-ahead To Agreement with Morocco on Security and Fight against Crime

  • Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Morocco Viktor Lorenc, disappeared from the website of the embassy ?!

    Lorenc ViktorI found out on the website of the embassy in Morocco that V. Lorenc is no longer there. Apparently, the package includes 21 names of ambassadors returning to the Czech Republic. In his case, I would say at last, because the shame about his visas is outrageous, isn't it? When you look at the embassy's website, the position of the ambassador is empty in the Czech version.

    Who will be next? That the diplomat Jaroslav Škeřík, whom the media had previously announced? After the disgrace around his posting to Switzerland, he again got a "good" stunt. Will it continue visa fraud? If he was doing something at the Diplomatic Service, he might be willing to do it elsewhere. Or how it was.....

    I also happened to hear from a friend that the brother of the director of the Visa Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, David Nový, works for the BIS (Security Information Service). I would almost call it a conflict of interest. Then it may be clear why no one admitted you to the BIS and visa fraud is not spared. The same people have it everywhere.

  • Controversial New EU Drug Agenda Puts Europe, Morocco At Risk

    A hidden process is underway to radically shift Europe towards a repressive new drug agenda that merges migration, counter-terrorism, and security.

    Rabat – The EU is planning to combine migration, counter-terrorism, and security in its new repressive anti-drug agenda that could have far-reaching consequences for Morocco. 

    The European Commission has been developing this new strategy far away from public scrutiny. The drastic new drug agenda was only revealed after 29 civil society organizations spoke up in protest of the EU’s shadowy dealings.

    In order to gauge the impact of this draconian new agenda and its potential impacts in the Maghreb, Morocco World News spoke to Tom Blickman. 

  • Další podpora odvolané konzulky dr. Jany Chaloupkové

    Tentokrát z Oazy Tiggert na jihu Maroka. Před dvěma týdny tam byl velký požár – viz video níže.

    Halo z Muzea Tiggert,

    Jsme historické muzeum v oáze blízko města Guelmin na jihu Maroka. Před dvěma týdny nás postihlo velké neštěstí, požár, který zničil 2 500 palem. Nevíme přesně příčinu ohně. Dotkl se i dveří našeho muzea, ale Allah byl při nás a ušetřil nás. Můj bratranec přijel rychle 250 km z Alayunu. Muzeum ukazuje tradice našich nomádských kmenů, je to náš život, naše duše.

  • Former Ambassador of Slovenia to the Czech Republic Mr. Damjan Prelovšek, responds to the response of Prime Minister Andrej Babiš to MP Jana Černochová on her interpellation in the case of Morocco

    Prelovsek Damjan IIUpdated June 4, 2021:Opposition ambassadors change criticism as gambling or irresponsibility

    … Among other things, the ambassador to Slovakia and former police president Tomáš Tuhý will move to the post of ambassador to Slovenia. "We need responsible and experienced ambassadors who have earned the post for their work, not loyalty to Miloš Zeman and his surroundings. will it belong to the people from Miloš Zeman's team? ".According to MP Černochová,Those who dislike will end, on the contrary, those who have been faithfully serving the Castle for a long time will be rewarded. It confirms that the current government is the government of President Miloš Zeman. In addition, the cabinet step pointed out that the diplomatic career rules are meaningless. Czech foreign policy is already unreadable to the Allies because of the president, prime minister and deputy prime minister. This exchange will only deepen this illegibility and may cause irreversible damage to Czech interests. "


    … Regarding the answer provided to you by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Interior of the Czech Republic, I must say that it is partly untrue. I am a direct participant in some events in Morocco and I can confirm that I have never received internal information from the Deputy Ambassador and Consul of the Czech Embassy in Rabat, but I passed on the data so that she could use it for the quality of the visa agenda. in favor of the defense of the security of the Czech Republic, and thus of the entire Schengen group. As a citizen of a Member State of the European Union, I am interested in the correct implementation of the Schengen visa agenda, as it is linked to the protection of the EU's external border and thus security for all of us, in a spirit of European cooperation and belonging.

    At the same time, I must protest against the wording in your answer, which damages my reputation and honor. All my life I have been cooperating with a number of Czech institutions on cultural projects and even my villa, the work of Jože Plečnik, has always been open to Czech visitors and the Czech Embassy in Ljubljana for organizing activities. I also cannot accept the accusation that I am acting under pressure from the consul, as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic is trying to disseminate manipulated information in order to cover up the mistake of Ambassador Viktor Lorenc. Personally, I would welcome the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic to stop attacking me and to pay more attention to the correct investigation of practices at the embassy in Morocco, not only visas but also security. I am concerned that the Czech side is not interested in saving anything. The police are constantly relocating the matter, now for the fifth time, in a year and a half they have not even interrogated the main actors. …

  • Further support of the recalled consul dr. Jana Chaloupková

    Hello from Tiggert Museum,

    We are in the south of Morocco near the city of Guelmin. Our beauriful palm oasis suffered a huge fire 2 weeks ago and 2 500 palm trees were burned out. Very sad. It is not clear how the fire started. This time it is so hot too. Luckily our historical museum was saved. Allah with us. We show to tourist the history of our nomadic tribes, our clothes, tools and traditions. The fire almost touched the door of our museum. But we were lucky. My cousin came 250 km far away from Alayun, quickly, worried about the museum. Its our life, our roots.

  • Kingdom of Morocco - Kingdom of Anna from Kocourkov

    Chaloupkova Kocurkova Lorencova

    Completely left Jana Chaloupkova, in the middle red hair Anna Kocurkova (left her mother), right wife of Ambassador Viktor Lorenc. It is visible that they know ea ch other well and "as family" they stick togerher, the others do not interest them - National Day of the Czech Republic 2018 -  twitter of Czech Embassy in Rabat, right Ambassador Viktor Lorenc. We can just hope that they are not relatives of former chief of Communist Secret Service General Alojz Lorenc. His relics are for sure present here. J.Š.

    Lorenc Viktor

    * * *

    I would like to add my experience with Czech Embassy in Rabat. I am a professional sportsman and I played with several teams in the past-incl. Czechia and Morocco. Although I am second league I was the best shooter and I am moving to first league. Football is part of international sport diplomacy and sportamen are supported and welcome all over the world.

    Only Miss Anna at Czech embassy in Rabat doesn' t understand it. She behaves just like a simple clerk, not embassy stuff.

  • Le nombre d’affaires de blanchiment et de financement du terrorisme inquiète au Maroc

    Maroko terorismusUn total de 390 affaires ont été enregistrées au titre des années 2019 et 2020 en matière de lutte contre le blanchiment de capitaux et le financement du terrorisme, a indiqué, mercredi à Meknès, le ministre de la justice, Mohamed Ben Abdelkader. Inquiétant !

    Ces affaires, dont une partie est en investigation pénale, tandis que d’autres sont devant les juridictions, se répartissent entre 2019, avec 229 affaires, et 2020 durant laquelle 161 affaires ont été enregistrées, a précisé le ministre qui s’exprimait lors d’une rencontre de communication organisée par le ministère de la justice et le barreau des avocats de Meknès.

  • Maroc leaks révèle comment la banque « attijariwafa » blanchit l’argent de la drogue et finance le terrorisme

    Les sous et les dessous du Makhzen commencent décidément à monter en surface et à être balancés sur la place publique.

    Le site MarocLeaks vient de révéler un nouveau scandale suite à la découverte par la police marseillaise, dans le sud-est de la France, d’un vaste réseau de blanchiment de la drogue produite au Maroc et vendue à travers le monde

    Et c’est Attijariwafa Bank, connue pour être la banque du roi Mohamed VI qui est prise en flagrant délit de dissimulation des fonds engrangés par le trafic de cannabis.

  • MFA of the Czech Republic: the Communist regime's descendants fully control the MFA of the Czech Republic

    Stasek Miroslav velvyslanec CR v USA 2022Lorenc Viktor

    Updated 13.8.2022: 12 Easiest Countries To Get A Schengen Visa


    Obedient diplomats rewarded with diplomatic posts for indecent service!


    Diplomats are the showcase of every country - the Czech one is a disgrace. The citizens are not informed, the media and politicians are obediently silent, although they have been informed by me for years. When will the media taboo, reminiscent of the totalitarian era, end? You can see for yourself below. For starters, I recommend this article and the interview with the former Slovenian Ambassador to the Czech Republic, Damjan Prelovšek. Below I supplement it with the shocking facts of the current events at the MFA of the Czech Republic.

    Letter of former Ambassador of Slovenia to he Czech Republic in the matter of unacceptable situation at Czech Embassy in Morocco - visa business

  • Mocro Maffia, the Dutch mafia shedding blood on Amsterdam's streets

    Peter de Vriese kvetiny 7 2021This organization is the main suspect in the shooting of journalist Peter R. de Vries

    The Dutch journalist Peter R. de Vries has been in a struggle between life-and-death since he was shot five times, including once in the head, on a street in central Amsterdam on Tuesday afternoon. Police are holding two suspects (including the perpetrator of the attack), but have not yet released their identities. In any case, all eyes are on the Mocro Maffia, a group of criminal organizations that base their business on drug trafficking (especially cocaine) and that in recent years had been the target of De Vries' journalistic investigations. These gangs, mainly made up of people of Moroccan origin, have their epicentre in the port of Rotterdam (through which they import the substances that they then distribute in Europe) and operate above all in the Netherlands and Belgium, but their tentacles reach Latin America and also the Costa del Sol, one of the traditional entry points for drugs in Europe.

  • Moroccans bought visas in France for 8,000 euros

    The illegal immigration network between Morocco and Europe was removed by border police in Corsica, France. Several people were arrested, including some who were able to obtain genuine residence permits against 8,000 euros.

    A real network of counterfeits has now been removed in France. They succeeded in setting up an illegal immigration network between Morocco and Europe. Pot oaks roses found by border police in Corsica were able to catch many, including some who had genuine residence permits obtained against 8,000 euros.

    The network was removed from an illegal immigrant arrested in Corsica. Investigators saidAFP Stumbled upon an operating system unknown to the police. This is how they hit the heads of the Moroccan network Bloody, Allowed to find their mode of operation.


    Bahdou Ahmed 2A series of articles and comments on what is happening at the Czech Embassy in Morocco raises a number of questions to think about. Especially where the taxpayers' money goes and how Hladik Janit actually (doesn't) works in the state administration and the protection of our security, our nation, our culture, our state and whole EU.

    I only spent a short time in Morocco, but it was enough to create a certain image. Although I came because of culture, I am a technician and a businessman by profession, so I was also interested in business opportunities. There is a lot of cheap labor in Morocco, which can be put to good use in combination with our quality. However, I was struck by the approach of Ambassador Lorenc, who was more smiling at the activities of us - small and medium-sized enterprises. A special type of "support" that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs promises so much to us entrepreneurs.

    When I think about articles on websites and about what is happening at Czech embassy in Morocco, I think everything must have a broader context. It is clear that there is a chaos at this embassy. The State Department, for some reason, is covering it. It's not just two people doing the visa business. Someone must have something from it on both sides - Czech and Moroccan and maybe even French, since those people were supposed to stay in France. In general, under the responsibility of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, big black money is probably being rotated. See the articles in the newspaper E15 Mafia deals with visas.... Ukraine, Vietnam, Russia, Iran.... Is it possible to do it without engagement of the people at embassies? Without the knowledge of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs? It is a practice called a visa factory.

  • Procédure d’expulsion contre un Marocain arrêté avec un sabre en Corse

    Il est fort probable que ce Marocain soit entré dans l'espace Schengen grâce à un visa délivré par l'ambassade tchèque au Maroc. Les boutiques de visas qui durent des mois ou des années à l'ambassade de République tchèque à Rabat ont peut-être contribué à la vague actuelle d'attentats terroristes en Angleterre, en France et en Autriche! J.Š.

    * * *

    Un homme de 41 ans, de nationalité marocaine, a été interpellé vendredi à Ajaccio alors que la police a saisi, dans son véhicule, un sabre japonais dit Katana, dissimulé sous une veste.

    Ce Marocain arrivé en Corse il y a deux ans aurait été récemment signalé aux services de police, rapportent des médias français.

  • Qatargate: Corruption scandal widens with more EU lawmakers in frame

    Panzeri AntonioArena Maria Moretti AlessandraMaria Arena and Alessandra Moretti are mentioned in arrest warrant for another MEP, Andrea Cozzolino.

    Belgium’s probe into alleged corruption and influence-buying by Qatar and Morocco in the European Parliament has widened, an international arrest warrant obtained by POLITICO shows. MEPs Maria Arena and Alessandra Moretti are connected to the investigation being undertaken by Belgian prosecutors, according to the warrant for Italian MEP Andrea Cozzolino, who was arrested last week on charges of corruption, money-laundering and participation in a criminal organization. The warrant was issued on February 10 by Belgian investigative judge Michel ClaiseFull Article>


    Letter of former Ambassador of Slovenia to he Czech Republic in the matter of unacceptable situation at Czech Embassy in Morocco - visa business 

    Qatargate, Panzeri also accuses Forza Italia MP Lara Comi



  • The Czech Republic must take significant steps to enforce its foreign bribery laws, but demonstrates commitment to improve

    22/06/2017 – The Czech Republic must strengthen its efforts to detect, investigate and prosecute foreign bribery.  Seventeen years after ratifying the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention, the Czech Republic has yet to prosecute a case involving the bribery of foreign public officials. This is a cause for concern, especially considering the export-oriented nature of the Czech economy, which includes high-risk sectors for bribery including machinery and defence materials. A new OECD report therefore focuses on identifying solutions to meet these challenges.

    The Working Group on Bribery has just completed its Phase 4 evaluation on the Czech Republic’s implementation of the Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions and related instruments. The report highlights the Czech Republic’s strong determination to improve its system for combating foreign bribery. It also identifies several law enforcement practices or tools employed by the Czech Republic that could potentially increase foreign bribery enforcement, including: detecting allegations through foreign requests for legal assistance, the use of non-financial forms of evidence, joint investigative teams with foreign authorities, and central registries for bank accounts and beneficial ownership information.  The report also makes recommendations to:

  • The diplomat violated good manners, the state paid an extra 420.000,-Kč, all right? How many such examples of misuse of public money remain hidden from the public? The communist parties' descendants still control the MFA of the Czech Republic

    Havrlikova PavlaStasek Miroslav velvyslanec CR v USA 2022The results of the audit were handed over to the police in the past. In the end, criminal investigators assessed that the purchase of overpriced tickets was not a criminal offence and returned the matter to the Ministry to investigate whether there had been a breach of internal regulations.

    "The MFA's investigation did not prove that such a violation had occurred," the ministry said. The ministry did not specify the reason for which the office eventually shelved the case, saying that "the MFA does not publish the results of internal controls." Pay I the state  hundreds of thousands of crowns in fines for freedom of speech, only to have its employees "squander it" in this way, going unpunished when no one is personally responsible for anything? That's how it was under the communists...

    In this context, I would like to remind you of the letterof Jan Lipavský, MP for the Pirates, today's Foreign Minister, to Prime Minister Andrej Babiš regarding the appointment of Adam Vojtěch as Czech Ambassador to Finland, dated 18 February 2021. It is a custom in other countries that diplomatic "trafikas" are also given to former politicians or soldiers. The problem is if their character and professional abilities are not a priority (remember, for example, the Czech ambassador to Slovakia, Livia Klausová, daughter of the war criminal during the Slovak state, Stefan Miština).   

  • Three deaths of Zeman's favourites in five months...

    MZV CR logo 1"Find the limit of work", writes Minister Lipavsky to diplomats...

    In five months, the Foreign Ministry has been rocked by three sudden and untimely deaths of high-ranking Czech diplomats - "on duty" and in high-profile destinations. The office is considering a new regulation of working conditions under the Foreign Service Act. Access to psychological care for diplomats and their families is also to be improved.

    The Czernin Palace has faced unprecedented pressure, especially from President Miloš Zeman and his entourage, which has accompanied the Castle's efforts to reverse the focus of foreign policy - from the West to the East and towards authoritarian regimes. Full article>

    As a side note, the diplomat Jana Hybášková was caught drunk driving - and promoted. The brilliant diplomat Dr. Jana Chaloupková, who refused to behave in a way that was not in accordance with the rules, was literally thrown out of the MFA on the street. All this after many years of successful diplomatic work for our country (knowledge of 12 foreign languages).

  • Travellers Share Most “Nonsense” Reasons They Have Received for Their Rejected Schengen Visa Application

    Passports with a Schengen visaAfter almost two years of closed borders, travellers are now more invested than ever to travel, experience new places, and realize the travel plans that they had put on hold for such a long time, SchengenVisaInfo.com reports.

    Travellers to the 26 Schengen Area countries who need a Schengen visa to be eligible to enter, however, day by day, are more likely to face another hassle, that of having their visa application rejected. In 2021 the rejection rate of Schengen visa applications worldwide reached its peak, with 13.4 per cent out of the total number of travellers receiving a negative response in their application.

    According to Schengen Visa Info, there are 12 reasons for which visa applications are rejected most frequently, including here a criminal past of the applicant, a damaged passport, the invalidity of one of the documents submitted, and insufficient financial means to support travel, etc.

    Morocco is also among the countries that have experienced a steep increase in the number of rejected visas year by year, from 15.3 per cent of applications being rejected in 2017 to 18 per cent in 2018, 20.5 per cent in 2019, 23.6 per cent in 2020, and as many as 27.6 per cent in 2021. Full Artycle>

  • XIII. Episode Czech-Marocco Gate - special for EU-Election 2024 - SPD

    "If bad people unite to form a force, good people must do the same. How simple it is."

    Lev. N. Tolstoy


    Prelovsek DamjanDr. Damjan Prelovšek- art historian and expert on modern architecture, expert on the work of architect Jože Plečnik, Ambassador of Slovenia to the Czech Republic 1998-2002, member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, writer and photographer.


    Moroccans are the second or third largest group of illegal migrants in Slovenia, which is surprising considering the arc they take to get there. The reason is that they can fly to Belgrade visa-free and then smuggle themselves illegally into Slovenia. The government there has already partially removed the barriers that the last government installed on the border with Croatia. It is no wonder then that immigration is increasing madly. The Prime Minister, Robert Golob, has solved this with a charlatan's judgment, equating 'white' illegal migration with legal migration. The government wants to build a new migration centre. Each migrant costs Slovenia almost €2,000 a month, far more than the shameful minimum wage that many Slovenian citizens receive. People are protesting against the new centres because of their experience of the criminality of its inhabitants, but the government doesn't care. It organises basic Slovenian language courses, but to no avail. The goal of most migrants is to go to Western Europe. Austria and Italy have already introduced border controls. Which means they'll all be staying in Slovenia soon. So far, only a small number of migrants have managed to be sent to Croatia. This is also the way Schengen is unravelling. We, the EU and the world lack strong leaders. They state what is wrong but do not offer effective solutions. Let us hope that the coming crisis will generate them. This has always been the case after times of great economic crises and prosperity. Let us hope in time, without the need for war.

    This is how it ends, or rather begins in Germany.

    Original Article in Czech>