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  • 26.07.2024 11:13
    Facebook promptly removed the post - www.facebook.com/.../ ...


  • 26.07.2024 11:05
    Facebook mi odebral příspěvek - www.facebook.com/.../ ...


  • 26.07.2024 10:59
    Podepsal jsem jako 80tý - viz text níže. Podepsaly by statisíce ...


  • 26.07.2024 10:57
    Dne 26.07.2024 v 8:34 Kristýna Gárská napsal(a): Dobrý den, pane ...


  • 22.07.2024 08:14
    Ve volbách do europarlamentu ale v poměru 12:9 uspěli ...


  • 16.07.2024 05:37
    Co jsou konspirace? Referáty soudců, usnesení, které vyloží věc ...


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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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Havrlikova PavlaStasek Miroslav velvyslanec CR v USA 2022The results of the audit were handed over to the police in the past. In the end, criminal investigators assessed that the purchase of overpriced tickets was not a criminal offence and returned the matter to the Ministry to investigate whether there had been a breach of internal regulations.

"The MFA's investigation did not prove that such a violation had occurred," the ministry said. The ministry did not specify the reason for which the office eventually shelved the case, saying that "the MFA does not publish the results of internal controls." Pay I the state  hundreds of thousands of crowns in fines for freedom of speech, only to have its employees "squander it" in this way, going unpunished when no one is personally responsible for anything? That's how it was under the communists...

In this context, I would like to remind you of the letter of Jan Lipavský, MP for the Pirates, today's Foreign Minister, to Prime Minister Andrej Babiš regarding the appointment of Adam Vojtěch as Czech Ambassador to Finland, dated 18 February 2021. It is a custom in other countries that diplomatic "trafikas" are also given to former politicians or soldiers. The problem is if their character and professional abilities are not a priority (remember, for example, the Czech ambassador to Slovakia, Livia Klausová, daughter of the war criminal during the Slovak state, Stefan Miština).   

Diplomat Jana Hybášková, promoted for drunk driving. Diplomat Martin Stropnický, for love affairs at the embassy in Israel, remains ambassador. How many such unacceptable faux paix in Czech diplomacy remain hidden from the public? After such moral failures, diplomats of developed countries resign immediately, on their own, if they have strong moral principles. We can all fail, but we can also bear personal responsibility for flagrant failure.

The prosecutor suspended Hybášková's case. The former MEP cannot drive for a year and a half - She drove drunk, cursed at police officers, damaged 4 cars! Now she works as the director of the personnel department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, which is supposed to be a model in all respects. This is how she inspires characters like her to break the rules. A financial contribution to the Crime Victims Fund and 18 months of not driving is pitifully little for a person of such high standing (will she also pay for the damages caused to the owners, 4 damaged cars, or their insurance companies?) I wonder what authority he might have in his new office? Among other things, in this capacity he is presiding over disciplinary proceedings within the MFA, which is laughable, or rather crying. She will thus be judging quite possibly someone for similar things she herself has done. Another civil servant would have been fired "on the hour" long ago. Two meters. I wonder why? Equality of all before the law, enabled by corrupt politics and the breakdown of good manners - throughout society.


I used to support Jana Hybášková, but she did not show interest in cooperation. After she teamed up with JUDr. Hana Marvanova, she lost my trust. Now she has to pay 50.000 CZK to Vlastimil Tlusty from ODS for bribery charges. As a "disobedient" diplomat, she was dismissed from her post as ambassador to Kuwait by Václav Klaus in 2003. Back then, "failure" was considered a dismissal; today, failure is considered a promotion... In this context, I also recall the Czech "Watergate", when an innocent person was sentenced to 7 years without parole instead of the current Czech EU Commissioner Věra Jourová. The EU too has a lot of catching up to do. Charisma is not just about faces!


Diplomat Dr. Jana Chaloupková was literally fired from the MFA for her honest work (28 years of service, 12 speeches), without Foreign Minister Jan Lipavsky standing up for her. He participated in her removal, as did the State Secretary at the MFA, Miroslav Stašek, who was "rewarded" with the post of Ambassador to the USA! He should supposed in USA to be concerned with human rights? He himself violates them, including Czech laws and good manners, as you can see for yourself in many articles and in my correspondence with State Secretary Stašek, published on this website.

Another strange appointment is the new Czech ambassador to Thailand, Pavel Pitel, one of those who apparently helped cover up the fraud of the Czech ambassador to Morocco Viktor Lorenc (he was dismissed as no longer sustainable, but remained an employee of the MFA), and the removal of the diplomat, consul Dr Jana Chaloupková. He was not interested in the case of a sick Czech citizen who needed to be urgently transferred from Morocco to the Czech Republic. According to a friend of her family, he refused to be interviewed. He was not interested in the inhumane actions of Ambassador Viktor Lorenc in this case, even though helping Czech citizens abroad is a duty of diplomats and a matter of unwritten ethics. Nor was he interested in a fair investigation of visa fraud in Morocco. Thailand is thus apparently also a reward to Pavel Pitel for his loyalty and obedient silence.

Everything concerning the former ambassador Viktor Lorenc and the Morocco case is still taboo - nothing can or must be investigated and written about - all public media, including the main daily newspapers and magazines, avoid this case like "the devil in the crosshairs". Let us not be surprised, there is a possible arms trade, human trafficking, drug trafficking, support for terrorism and a threat to the security of the Schengen area.

Let us not wonder then that the Czech Republic is no longer taken seriously by any developed country. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is controlled by a "bunch" just as it was under the communists. Their practices, after a short break after November 89, have resumed again - with all due respect to the diplomats who actually serve our country,

I have no doubt that, just as the coming crisis will force the return of capable politicians, it will be followed by the return of capable diplomats to prestigious posts, with the best of them truly serving our country, both professionally and in character, rather than the moral dregs of society who bring shame to the country and its citizens in Europe and the world.

Original article in Czech>

Corrupt provincial Czech politics cannot run the EU. It will be run by the powerful behind the scenes, just like Czech politics, until the voters wake up - in their own interest!


MFA of the Czech Republic: the Communist regime's descendants fully control the MFA of the Czech Republic

Prag 29.7.2022: Nationalfeiertag der Schweiz - Rede von Botschafter Philippe Guex


Jan Šinágl, 31.7.2022

Internationally renowned independent journalist, columnist, political analyst, i.e. punished in the EU country (for freedom of speech and the public's right to information) on property and health. A committed citizen, for twenty years defending truth, justice and the preservation of democratic values. Citizen of the Czech Republic and the Swiss Confederation, respected by the democratic citizens of Europe. 30 years of life in totalitarianism, 20 years in democracy, 20 years in post-totalitarianism.

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