Jan Šinágl angažovaný občan, nezávislý publicista


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  • 26.07.2024 11:13
    Facebook promptly removed the post - www.facebook.com/.../ ...


  • 26.07.2024 11:05
    Facebook mi odebral příspěvek - www.facebook.com/.../ ...


  • 26.07.2024 10:59
    Podepsal jsem jako 80tý - viz text níže. Podepsaly by statisíce ...


  • 26.07.2024 10:57
    Dne 26.07.2024 v 8:34 Kristýna Gárská napsal(a): Dobrý den, pane ...


  • 22.07.2024 08:14
    Ve volbách do europarlamentu ale v poměru 12:9 uspěli ...


  • 16.07.2024 05:37
    Co jsou konspirace? Referáty soudců, usnesení, které vyloží věc ...


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European Parliament

  • A message to Prime Minister Fiala: "Do not use words like Václav Havel, but act like Václav Havel!"

    Fiala mezi evropskymi statniky






  • Compensation for safe vaccines - and where are the journalists?

    Clovek a strachI'll just add that the official "under-reporting" of adverse drug reactions is generally around 95% - that is, only around 5% of cases are reported. That means you can multiply all these numbers by about 20x.


    On 14 October, a separate document appeared on the European Parliament's website with the reference number B9-0475/2021: Proposal for a European Parliament resolution on the establishment of a European Fund for the compensation of victims of COVID-19 vaccination


    European Parliament, with reference to Rule 143 of its Rules of Procedure,

    A. whereas the European Medicines Agency has already reported approximately one million cases of adverse reactions following vaccination with COVID-19 vaccines:

  • Covid injections are destroying the world's population. 73% of vaccine deaths are caused by the "vaccine"?!

    Clovek a strachThe mRNA vaccine won scientists the Nobel Prize in Medicine. How many pharmaceutical company owners, health ministers, scientists, doctors and politicians have been inoculated with this deadly vaccine? I recommend both speeches in English with Czech subtitles. Dr. McCulough's speech is absolutely perfect! This is modern totalitarianism in its global form!

    The injection of genetic code allows the uncontrolled production of a potentially lethal protein in the human body in an uncontrolled time. Everything we have learned about covid vaccines since their inception is frightening. There is not a single study that proves that mRNA is degraded. It's made synthetically, it can't degrade. There's not a single study that proves it leaves the human body.

    Dr. Peter McCullough gave a speech in the European Parliament about the dangers of covid vaccines, and the impending dictatorship of the WHO, which is a big proponent of vaccination.

    Full story>


    Das Fernsehen zeichnet ein falsches Bild der Massnahmenkritiker

  • He described how fraudulently a career in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic is being made. The dismissal of an honest man, threatening the interests of the corrupt structures, reaching in the EU and security of the Schengen area

    MZV CR logo EThe MFA Czech Republic needs a total reform and purge! Career diplomats are the type of people who cover their backs for the sake of profit, and the interests of the country come second. The higher the position of responsibility, the less freedom the person has to solve the problem or challenge. He needs ten times more knowledge and expertise than is actually needed. Honour the exceptions! JŠ


    Jan Čapek produced an audit, the contents of which were unpleasant for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He found that the office was not transparently selecting people for highly desirable positions in embassies. A swift sacking followed.

    According to the immediate account of Čapek's boss, Hybášková (the personnel chief) was told by Čapek's boss (as heard on the recording) that if journalists learned that the selections were not transparent, "it would be such a headline." Also that the audit report should be classified so that journalists can't get to it through the information law.

    Did an article disappear from the front page of Seznam.cz unusually quickly? One of the diplomat's first posts about her experience was no longer found in the discussion of the article. I'm adding more relevant information:

  • MFA Czech Republic: Too many Sir Humphreys - and crime!

    MZV CR logo EJournalist Jaroslav Spurný responds to my criticism about the silence of the weekly RESPEKT (2021): I have to get used to the fact that "What is good for the public is fortunately not decided by Šinágl" (I can no longer find the text on FB). JŠ


    About a case from the State Department, or the de facto decision-making power remains in the hands of technocrats elected by no one. Overwhelming bureaucracy just one of the problems that is capable of stifling any effort at change.

    The main method is to manipulate their minister, primarily by keeping him busy with time-consuming tasks whose sole purpose is to keep the minister busy and out of his way. However, he does not shy away from using his own mistakes against the Minister.

    "This is a tragedy, the entire state and public apparatus is riddled with it. They don't decide ability but who is whose friend, who is kissing up to whom and can be useful in return, by passing on contracts to friends who helped him into office. You can change the whole government, but this is here to stay. You have to change the whole system and that is a Sisyphean job and I'm afraid it's just not feasible without a total screw-up of the whole society."

    Systemic change will have to include at least three aspects:

  • PIS President Jarosław Kaczynski on the issue of refugees in the EU and the world

    Kaczynski JaroslawHis speech in the Polish Parliament will certainly be interesting, although we do not have to agree with everything - a voice of common sense.

    People in need must be helped, but there are limits to the help we can give if we are not to be threatened ourselves. Different cultures and races can enrich each other and visit each other, but living together in one country when they are not united by the same culture and beliefs is a 'time bomb'. Who among the politicians in Brussels and elsewhere would want to live in a house, or a neighbourhood, together with people of a completely different faith, customs, manners and culture? The situation in France, Germany, Sweden and other European countries reminds us of this every day. I am also reminded of the statement made by the Libyan leader M. Khaddafi: "We will conquer Europe with women's vaginas." On the other hand, the prosperity of the 'developed' countries is, in no small part, underpinned by the looting of mineral resources in the countries from which the refugees come. The arms industry also pursues its aims, at the end of which the misery of the countries to which they supply their weapons, whether directly or indirectly, grows. One way is to start returning some of our prosperity to the countries where it originated, learning gradually to manage ourselves for the benefit of the majority, not individuals and groups with expedient support from abroad. It will be a long and uncertain road, but not solving the problem will start to solve us too, sooner or later, ruthlessly, justly and deservedly. JŠ



    A Czech family has just returned after 50 years from South Africa, a country they loved and which provided them with political asylum, reported ČRoPlus. They no longer feel safe there, saying that nothing good awaits the country. The mindset of a simple native is expressed by his belief, "If you have a house and I don't, it's not fair." Further, the poor cannot see. It is easily manipulated and exploited. If there is poverty, they will simply take everything as long as there is something to take.

  • Prime Minister Fiala shows in the EP that he is not a real personality

    Belgian MEP Guy Verhofstadt asks clear questions.


    Could Bata cope with today's crisis? Bata was not afraid to go against the tide!

  • Qatargate, Panzeri also accuses Forza Italia MP Lara Comi

    Lara ComiGiuseppe Cirillo, 01 March 2023

    Bribery followed by fraud, 170,000 euros seized from Lega Italia MEP Stefania Zambelli.

    Antonio Panzeri, like a swollen river, continues to provide names and information to the public prosecutor Michel Claise, who has been investigating for some time a case that is strongly shaking the European Parliament. Now, the list of names that Panzeri has provided - as reported in 'La Repubblica' - should include the name of former Forza Italia MEP Lara Comi. "In the spring of 2019, a meeting took place in Doha with Minister Al Marri, Francesco Giorgi, the Algerian (Boudjellal, ed.) and myself (Panzeri, ed.), Andrea Cozzolino, Lara Comi. I think Eva Kaili was present, but the decision taken regarding the money for the deputies also concerned her," Panzeri pointed out, "In the end, the Qataris decided to make 250,000 euros each available for the election campaigns of these three. And that's what happened." he continued, "It's important to dispel the idea that I'm the big boss," Panzeri stressed. "These people accepted money in exchange for protecting Qatari interests as part of their parliamentary work. It was agreed that Giorgi would take on the role of Cozzolino's assistant. The money arrived at his home, one million two hundred and fifty thousand euros in cash. There was also 250,000 euros for me and for him'.

  • Slow progress of the investigation of the Qatargate Scandal in European Parliament

    AVAST BrusselsMornig Pishing 22.7.2023AVAST branded by the Brussels Morning newspaper (on my PC), as "fraudulent"? System hypersensitivity from the "bad" days? It's the facts that matter. JŠ


    SPIEGEL 1 21.1.2023Belgium (Brussels Morning newspaper), MEPs have voiced concern that the “slow progress” of an investigation into the so-called Qatargate scandal. They say that, seven months on from the affair “some of the grandiose promises for ethics and transparency reforms seem to be falling short.” The  European parliament’s president, Roberta Metsola, warned colleagues that the institution and European democracy at large are “under attack.” She also pledged an internal investigation and reforms to ensure transparency. There have been two “important” developments in Parliament this week – a vote on changes to Parliament’s own rules and another on a Commission proposal for an EU ethics body.

    Since the Qatargate scandal came to light, some MEPs have called for root and branch reform to, in their words, “fix the Parliament’s rotten culture of revolving doors, opaque practices, and lack of oversight.” In efforts to improve transparency at the Parliament, the Left grouping of MEPs in the assembly has persistently called for a ban on side jobs for MEPs. They state that MEPs “already receive a generous allowance. When MEPs have side jobs, their interests become inextricably linked to corporations or associations they work for, to the detriment of their constituents.”

    Some members are said to earn up to €8,000 per month on top of their allowance.

  • Spies and gifts: Morocco at the heart of European democracy – Moroccogate & Qatargate

    Maroko Katar Gate 2023

    Poland - Law and Justice:


    Press conference on corruption in the European Parliament! If the foundations give way, every building will collapse if it is not repaired in time. JŠ


    By Le Soir – June 2022. Maria Colleoni (67), Panzeri’s wife, is visiting Morocco. She was received by Abderrahim Atmoun, ambassador of the Cherifian kingdom in Poland and alleged funder of these actions of interference. Maria Colleoni calls her husband, the conversation is recorded in a report by the Security.

    “Everything went well, we were treated like VIPs,” rejoices the wife. “We went for a coffee at Atmoun’s". Antonio is worried: did she “seen the boxes”? She immediately reassures him: their friend the ambassador, she assures, took two of these boxes, opened them and quickly showed the content. Then “he took a few products, threw them in the bag, “says that it’s a gift from Atmoun”.  A brief conversation that feeds the fears of the intelligence services: Antonio Panzeri allegedly diverted this interpersonal skills that his friends in the European Parliament were praised yesterday to massively enrich himself and introduce foreign interests to the most intimate of European democracy.

    Full Article>

  • The difference between tyranny and democracy is very simple. When the government knows everything about you, it's tyranny. When you know everything about your government, it's a democracy.

    Project Vision Open Your Mind

    ... So what is the intention for this project? I see it as helping to spread awareness that things are different than how we've been taught, to raise people's consciousness and inspire them to discover their own power within themselves. To realize that we are not victims and powerless against the system that is currently in place. That each of our voices is of great value, even though it may seem that as individuals we can't do much, quite the opposite. By combining our knowledge of what is happening in the world with our own personal and spiritual development, that we can make lasting change here that will benefit everyone....


  • The European Parliament Condemns China for Persecuting Falun Gong, Mentions Organ Harvesting Again

    Cina plakat 80 milionuResolutions are not enough, yet they are formal acknowledgments by international authorities. This one also denounces the cases of Ding Yuande and Ma Ruimei, which “Bitter Winter” contributed to expose.

    While the persecution against Falun Gong practitioners in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) didn’t decrease in 2023, and the most recent report released by the movement denounces 209 new verified cases of persecution to death in 2023, bringing the total documented number of killed victims to over 5,000 since 1999, a decisive step has been taken by the European Parliament (EP).

    Full Article>


    China's Denial Of Universal Human Rights - The Ongoing Persecution Of Falun Gong In China

  • The Europeans are finally figuring out that the Pfizer vaccine was a fraud. Here's a video clip from the EU Parliament from Press Conference 19.10.2022

    EU PK vakciny 19.10.2022Self-commentary - a diagnosis of a sick age of affluence. JŠ
