Jan Šinágl angažovaný občan, nezávislý publicista


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  • 29.04.2024 08:32
    Hoří, má panenko! twitter.com/.../...


  • 28.04.2024 14:51
    Dnes v OVM proběhla debata poslankyň Malé (Hnutí ANO) a ...


  • 28.04.2024 09:54
    Kdy odškodníme my vyhnané sudetské české Němce? Žili u nás ...


  • 26.04.2024 18:27
    Liché a laciné gesto Ad LN 24.4.2024: Wintonova vnoučata ...


  • 24.04.2024 10:01
    Odsouzený kriminálník Maxim Ponomarenko opět podniká v ...


  • 24.04.2024 09:00
    Dobrý den vážený pane Šinágle, obracím se na Vás, protože ...


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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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English articles

PETITION - Temporarily inoperable. It works on German and French versions.

Melichov Vladimir PetrovicWe require that Russian government departments should abide by the inner and international laws on human right, freedom of conscience and religion. We require that long-term persecution against Vladimir Petrovich Melichov (Podolsk) for his nonconformity of thinking which now has transformed into sheer intimidation and threatening of his and the members of his family should be stopped.

Vladimir Petrovich Melichov is a prominent representative of the Cossack movement in Podolsk and Cossack’s village Elanskaya. He is also the founder and the director of the museums of anti-Bolshevik resistance situated in these towns. That was because of his efforts that a chapel in memory of destroyed by the Stalin regime in 1945 Cossacks was built on the Cossack cemetery in Lienz (Austria). He himself, however, did not manage to visit the ceremony of opening and sanctification of the chapel. He was detained in the airport of Domodedovo as the frontier guards claimed that his passport was invalid because it missed a page. Later Melichov said that this missing page was cut out by the guards who tried not to let him leave the country. (echo.msk.ru/blog/melihov_v)

The same way three more members of Cossack’s movement were refused to leave the country: Oleg Gaponov, Yevgeny Shevchuk and Vladimir Kalita.

Bata Jan AntoninJan Bata was one of the greatest entrepreneurs in Czechoslovak history. The Bata organization under Jan Bata’s leadership experienced rapid growth during the worldwide financial crisis and at a time of growing tensions in Europe during the 1930s.  Bata’s plan was to transform his business from a local to a global manufacturing enterprise. To accomplish this task Bata needed a deeper understanding of the worldwide footwear market.

Czech History: Lost and FoundJAB ME 2015

JAB ME 1937They will spend millions to get everything belonging to J.A.Bata plane back in perfect condition. But not much mention that the plane was his property and the plane he used to go around the globe in 1937. Even though the plane was his property, and there are videos and hundreds of photos of Jan Bata flying in his plane. The man behind the plane is missing from the picture.

LATEST NEWS (4 June) CONFIDENTIAL: Feminist MEP, Nadine Krysostan, encourages her colleagues to support the report because Noichl "is an important input in the negotiation on the Gender Action Agenda of the [EU] Commission and strengthens the position of the EU in international discussions on sustainable development agenda."

On Tuesday, 9 June, the full European Parliament will vote on the resolution on the "EU Post-2015" strategy for equality between men and women, better known as "Noichl report," which was authored by the German Social Democrat, Maria Noichl. The text has already been approved by the Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM) on 6 May of this year. … http://citizengo.org/en/24661-eu-seeks-enshrine-devastating-gender-ideology-upcoming-vote