Jan Šinágl angažovaný občan, nezávislý publicista


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  • 26.07.2024 11:13
    Facebook promptly removed the post - www.facebook.com/.../ ...


  • 26.07.2024 11:05
    Facebook mi odebral příspěvek - www.facebook.com/.../ ...


  • 26.07.2024 10:59
    Podepsal jsem jako 80tý - viz text níže. Podepsaly by statisíce ...


  • 26.07.2024 10:57
    Dne 26.07.2024 v 8:34 Kristýna Gárská napsal(a): Dobrý den, pane ...


  • 22.07.2024 08:14
    Ve volbách do europarlamentu ale v poměru 12:9 uspěli ...


  • 16.07.2024 05:37
    Co jsou konspirace? Referáty soudců, usnesení, které vyloží věc ...


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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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Mapa exekuci CR genocidaUpdated 24.3.2022: Reply to the bailiff Mgr. Jan Beneš I feel more and more like a Czech Alexey Navalny... There are 800,000 people in foreclosure in the Czech Republic! Politicians refuse to address this country-threatening problem. This criminal system was created under the ODS government so that politicians and their parties could profit from it!


The writ of execution, I received on 18.3.2022 in my data box. I can object within 8 days. Of the 11 pages of the Order, it is sufficient to read the last two. This is also the kind of "work" that some "people" can do for a living today. Two days after this article I recived Call to Compliance, according to final and enforceable decisions, from Mgr. Jana Gavlasová. Unfortunately, you can only reply to her mailbox for a financial fee. I know that the MM Agency and supporters of Helena Vondráčková diligently monitor this website (they negatively evaluate comments to articles almost constantly). Thus, I reply, "Ms. Gavlas, it is your right to challenge, as it is mine to defend your illegal actions. This is not your first challenge and certainly not your last."

I am afraid that she is the first bailiff who is demanding to pay twice for the same, verifiably settled case. I have already urged the Beroun Execution Court 3 times to resolve this absurd situation urgently. The matter will be decided by the Beroun OS Senate, chaired by Mgr. Markéta Lanzová.

"Taking into account the length of the enforcement order itself, which includes a total of 45 statements, the scope of the obligations imposed by the enforcement order and the amount and volume of individual evidence and internet links that the court will deal with as part of the evidence, it is obvious that the case requires adequate space to prepare for the oral hearing that will be ordered in the case. In view of that fact, it is therefore not possible to set a date for the time being by which the debtor's application for a stay of execution will be decided." Mgr. Markéta Lanzová, 9.3.2022

My private account has been blocked again by the bailiff. I am again receiving messages about non-payment of permanent payments, not to mention blocking of domestic and foreign income. I can only hope that the insolvency administrator Mgr. Petr Brož does not renew the already cancelled insolvency and that he is just the namesake of the one who is now dealing with the sucking of profits from Pilsen Steel by the Russians?

P a g e : A party to the proceedings may file an objection to the order with the executor within 8 days of service. If the bailiff does not fully comply with the objections, the bailiff shall without undue delay refer them to the court, which shall decide on the objections within 15 days.

Of course I will file an objection! The applicants and the applicants' counsel Mgr. Jana Gavlasová, basically just copied the old challenges. They have been complied with. The bailiff took them over and charged his "costs". It was not the first time.

Will I be alone in the courtroom again, or will the public and the media finally show up and exercise their constitutionally guaranteed right to control the administration of law and justice? The judiciary and the media are still not fully fulfilling their role as "watchdogs" of freedom and democracy. With a few lone individuals, the post-communist "executive justice" has it easy - to eliminate and liquidate its modern-day "class enemies". Fortunately, there are more and more of them. It is also up to you, citizens, a few people alone will not win true democracy for you.

The bailiff is basically just taking over the plaintiffs' texts, invoicing them for their do-nothingness until I have some money. Only then do I stop caring. I've been sanctioned repeatedly for the same. Where does that leave the proportionality of the punishment? At least I'm not facing prison or Siberia, but who knows? That's the same as repeatedly giving the death penalty for one murder.

The possibility to comply with Article 23 of the Constitution of the Czech Republic is becoming increasingly relevant: 

Citizens have the right to oppose anyone who would eliminate the democratic order of human rights and fundamental freedoms established by the Charter if the activities of constitutional bodies and the effective use of legal means are prevented.

The execution court OS Beroun now has the opportunity to stop this purposeful, criminal behaviour, if it is not to become part of it itself. 

I feel more and more like Alexei Navalny. Let's hope that he will one day be elected president of Russia. That would be hope for Russia, Europe and the world.

The Ukrainians are showing us the way - let us follow it in every form it offers. There is still time, it is running out!

"IT DOES NOT EXIST!" Tomas Bata.


Jan Šinágl, 23.3.2022

Internationally respected journalist, columnist, political analyst, i.e. the most sanctioned in EU countries (for freedom of speech and public right to information) on property and health. A committed citizen fighting for twenty years for truth, justice and preservation of democratic values in our country and in the world. A citizen of the Czech Republic and the Swiss Confederation, respected by democratic citizens in the West and East.


I am currently sponsoring a folk carver to make hundreds of lime wood birds in Ukrainian national colours for Ukrainian children. There could have been thousands of them if the necessary funds had not ended up in the hands of the plaintiffs and the bailiff. They can hardly help me sponsor their production...

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