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    Dobrý den vážený pane Šinágle, obracím se na Vás, protože ...


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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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English articles

In Melbourne, they identified 12 "positives", with deltas (rhinitis), declared the 5th lock-down. It's worth watching a video of the place and listening to what people are saying on the street. Notice the "Socialist distancing" T-shirts.


In Queensland, they found one positive and set up veils for the whole state. Everyone should get a job if they want to work and function in society. Of course, everything on a voluntary basis, how else.

Peter de Vriese kvetiny 7 2021This organization is the main suspect in the shooting of journalist Peter R. de Vries

The Dutch journalist Peter R. de Vries has been in a struggle between life-and-death since he was shot five times, including once in the head, on a street in central Amsterdam on Tuesday afternoon. Police are holding two suspects (including the perpetrator of the attack), but have not yet released their identities. In any case, all eyes are on the Mocro Maffia, a group of criminal organizations that base their business on drug trafficking (especially cocaine) and that in recent years had been the target of De Vries' journalistic investigations. These gangs, mainly made up of people of Moroccan origin, have their epicentre in the port of Rotterdam (through which they import the substances that they then distribute in Europe) and operate above all in the Netherlands and Belgium, but their tentacles reach Latin America and also the Costa del Sol, one of the traditional entry points for drugs in Europe.

Clovek a strachCoronavirus is a litmus test of the state and a scalpel of Western civilization. The covid period is a catalyst that mirrors and accelerates the disintegration of the era of separation in absurdities, opposites and conflicts. It is a painful but healing process that exposes old wounds to the light of awareness. Jan Piňos writes in the fourth part of the article for five sequels.

"It's a slide," says teacher Vladimír. "Until we brake until we resist, we will continue on the sloping surface of the adaptation. First the veils, then the tests - and then the vaccinations. Children at school should have both veils and tests, a negative test is not enough. Where will it lead? ”First a compulsory veil in schools, then a respirator, and a test. Will there be compulsory vaccination? Will we rewrite the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and create a dual society - full-fledged vaccinated citizens and second-rate unvaccinated? Nonsense?

Fear and the desire to live "normally" drive people to behave crazy, because the test says nothing about their health. "All testing of healthy people is only good for beef," says Dr. Jan Hnízdil. What do people adapt to their beliefs so that they can live without everyday bullying? It's mostly about vaccinations. Although people have a natural and legitimate distrust of him, they eventually approach them because of traveling or children.

What nonsense will they impose on themselves, and what will people who are immediately sick of the Fearwell voluntarily accept? Probably the most psychologically powerful tightening and loosening of screws awaits us, the Orwellian newspaper of "measures and loosening", where people trampled by pressure are grateful to the oppressors for even a small and short breath (Biderman's table).

Clovek a strach

Updated 7/17/2021: As expected, YouTube has already removed the video due to "Terms of Use Violations." What they are not stated do not exist. If the video author's complaint is unsuccessful, this excellent interview will certainly be available for viewing on another link. In an emergency, the video would be posted on this site if the author agreed. J.Š.


A woman who was the first outside the state structure to test for the most media-known virus in 2020. The state knelt at her and accused her through the Minister of Health of unprofessional handling of samples. An apology followed, about two weeks apart, with permission to test and considerable media attention. Until she expressed her scientific and observational view that the SARS-CoV-2 virus was artificial. What led Soňa Peková not to keep quiet? What is he working on today? How does he view the way in which scientific opinions are presented in public today? According to her, what are the risks of mRNA vaccination? How does he view the state of freedom in our country? What does he say to fellow scientists and those who are afraid to share uncomfortable opinions? Soňa Peková answers these and other questions in our video interview.

I will not die of coronavirus, but of this state. Society is fascist in many ways. The strongest instinct was attacked - self-preservation. Getting vaccinated against laboratory scumbags seems completely absurd to me. An experimental vaccine may lead to experimental consequences not to be said. It is grossly politicized and it is almost not about human health.

There is also a big policy in science, where there are people who have not been in the laboratory for 30 years. Molecular science and genetics go "completely in bloom" because many parasites and leeches have stuck to these ingenious discoveries. Vaccines are not absolutely safe. It has never been used, not even in the animal world. It's a panglobal experiment. Unfortunately, there is a total embargo on this information in our country. It can be caused by a degenerative disease in the long term. Many people report neurological complications, various paralysis of a temporary or permanent nature. How can a politician know that it is safe if not even an expert does? This type of vaccine has never been used, moreover on such a massive scale. A year ago, I said that a vaccine could not be effective because there would be a large number of variants. The vaccine is a "fast yeast" like thunder. Every new vaccine design means starting from scratch. The vaccine is a political thing, someone made it and it is necessary to consume it so that the pharmaceutical industry gets its investment back and those who distribute their 30%. That's a lot of pressure and a lot of lever.

The immune system is ingenious, but after a while it can stop recognizing the problem and then the person is finished. The scientist is not lined up in one direction. That's not how science works. People get fooled, scared and free. At that moment, society deprived people of their freedom. They don't even realize that someone is taking their freedom. Everything is available in other languages. People are not looking for and letting what is pushed to them by the mainstream. Just buy them and go to the sea as an expression of freedom. The kids are fooling around too. They are already putting on the veil as slippers. They are already boxed and put into some form. They are deprived of human dignity and freedom. The next generation of children will realize that it is strange, like communism. Our children grind it, but the next one realizes that something was wrong.

I am an essential optimist. Since childhood, I have been accompanied by the struggle for truth and hatred for injustice. When I feel that something is right, go for it. I want children to remember that personality, independence and intellect are the most important, and when they feel that there is truth somewhere and that someone is oppressed, let them follow that truth and let the one who is oppressed help him. It's about the personality of a person who has the "straight bar" in him. Leaders need to lead by example, and the less militant will join them to create a mass that can move the world.



A year with coronavirus: We are far from health and life in fear (part 2)